Wednesday, January 19, 2011

MA Commonwealth Division Takes Two King of the Hill Awards

Waking momentarily from hibernation to share the good news. 

The 2010 WAKA King of the Hill Awards were recently announced, and the MA Commonwealth Division took home two awards.

First off Congratulations to the Wicked Awesome Helicopter Ninjas, who won the award for "Most Team Spirit." 

Secondly this GMOT took home the award for "Best GMOT Newsletter." The editor would like to thank the league, the voices in his head and the copious amounts of bourbon that fuel this now "Award Winning Newsletter." (And yes, I am going to milk this like Pabst's has milked their 1893 best beer award.) 

Also for those of you who need a wintertime kickball fix, check out the MA Battlefield League. The turf makes you fast. Jeff Federico Fast!

The King of the Hill Award Winners