Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Spring Edition - From A Wretched Hive of Villany

The Final Frontier

Since it is a long weekend and this blogger is taking a much needed vacation, I will keep my normal lunatic ravings brief. Playoffs start next week, the final frontier if you will of our artificial kickball universe. To boldly go where no team has gone before (since this is the first spring season of our league) you must be willing to go farther, fly higher and work harder than the next team. Or drink more. That always helps. May a force (that results in a run or two) be with you. 

So You Want to Know a Kickball Star: A New Hope

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away on the distant planet of Tatooine, there grew a boy named Richard. His parents owned a bustling jazz cantina call Chalum's in the bustling city of Mos Eisley, which according to the mutterings of some cranky old Jedi's was a the wretched hive of scum and villany. What the wise Obi Wan failed to include was the gentrification and hipster vibe. Think the South End, only with more bounty hunters and less brownstones. Like any good small family run establishment, the Wheelers wanted young Richard to learn the entire business, starting out as a bar back, with the one day of becoming Emperor (General Manager). However, Richard had dreams of becoming a musician. Since Chalum's was the happening spot in Mos Eisley all the best acts filtered through, from Daft Punk, The Hives and Dr. Funke's 100% Natural Good-Time Family Band Solution, to the legendary house band Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes. Between shifts and his apprentice work as a real estate lawyer at the firm of Jabba, Wocky and Hutt LLP. (sadly there are no accredited law schools on Tatoonie. Just a University of Phoenix.) Richard would practice daily on his sousaphone. 

His practicing and dream of being an interplanetary jazz musician caused much tension with his parents. His interest in the business waned as he grew ever more tantalized by the sweet dulcet sounds of the sousaphone, and the bohemian lifestyle of the jazzman. His dream was not to run the bar of his parent's like an Imperial Sam Malone, but to play sousaphone for the Modal Nodes, replacing Figrin D'an. He would sit in his speeder cruising across the Dune Sea making the run to Tochi Station to hang out with the sons and nephews of the moisture farmers, dreaming of seeing his name in lights "Richard and the Modal Nodes" at Radio City Music Hall. Unfortunately his day dreaming cost him, and he didn't see the giant banta that was crossing the road. The crash totaled his speeder and sousaphone, and since he had cut rate speeder insurance, his bills were quite high. This infuriated his parents which lead to the inevitable showdown filled with whiskey and tears that all wannabe interplanetary jazz musicans have with their parents. Richards moved out of the family's split level, and into a small basement apartment near the Mos Eisley Red Robin (yum!). He got a job at Jabba's Sunglass Hutt and also did work as a security guard at the trendy trash metal club the Rancor Pit of the local casino Jabba's Palace to make ends meet. During those endless shifts, he would compose songs for the Modal Notes, hoping one day he would be able to break free from his dead end life on a dead end planet, like a bounty hunter freed from being frozen in carbonite. Richard entertained these delusions of grandeur as life passed him by. 

Then one day, in strolled the great Figrin D'an, to party at the Rancor Pit with this coked up Aldereanian Princess. When D'an got a little handsy, she slapped him, screaming, "I'd rather kiss a Wookie". D'an, unfortunately didn't know any Wookies, so he couldn't quip back "That can be arranged" much to the chagrin of the bearded pudgy gentlemen in the corner who was writing the script to the film that would become "American Grafitti." Richard, sense his opportunity comforted the wounded D'an, as the Princess started shaking her buns at a raffish pilot sitting solo in the corner. Richard, buying D'an a drink, told him of his plans. D'an, who'd heard the spiel of a thousand dreamers before, nodded politely as he milked his whiskey and soda. When Richard finished, D'an goes, "Kid, if you wanna be a jazzman, you gotta have a song." Richard, anticipating this, busted out the magnum opus he had written while he slaved for Jabba. "Mad About Me" he called it, inspired by a 1990's sitcom that marked the height of Paul Reiser's career and was decent fodder on NBC's Must See TV Thursday. D'an, reading the music and following the notes in his head, realized the kid had something. Nodding excited, D'an offered the kid a chance to practice with his band. 

Practice went well, Richard growing more confident, and D'an sensing he could easily exploit his naive protege and get the kid to sign over the publishing rights to a song that would definitely be the touchstone of a generation and annoying ring tone to nerds and geeks everywhere. They would debut the song at Chalum's, a sort of homecoming, where Richard could show his parents his talents and make them proud. Unfortunately that night was the night the raffish young pilot from the Rancor Pit shot first and shot the catereer/bounty hunter Greedo. (Event planning was Greedo's first love. He only bounty hunted to support that.) A Jedi knight, some whiny kid he saw hanging out at Toschi station a few times, a wookie and two droids were involved. The band never got to play his son. D'an was killed in the melee, and Richard's sousaphone was destroyed in a hilarious and unfortunately adult manner (too adult for this blog) by an effeminate protocol droid who was drunk.

The cantina destroyed, Richard said "screw this dust bowl" and moved to Boston, where seeking the same wretched hive of scum and villiany he was used to on his home planet, joined a kickball league. 

Song or Video that Interests Me (And Probably Only Me)

Speaking of Star Wars, Star Trek and all the space pop culture sci-fi that nostalgic Generation X and Y'ers love, here's a great piece of mind blowing by ILM in the 2009 re-boot of "Star Trek."

And for you who are Trekkies over Star Wars, a bonus. 

Games You People Played In

Continuing to get better and better the Benchmarks were super spirited for the games.  We were close to getting a run but lost again.  Jesse was the man behind home.  With his velcro fingers he caught many foul balls.  Robert continues to be the pitcher with the moves.  We had many cheerleaders at the game, one even brought us Twizzlers.   Brett was our inspirational leader throughout the game.  Katie kicked some butt on third base and Danielle was graceful as ever when trying to catch pop flys.  GO BENCHMARKS! - David G. 

Frank's Little Beauties looked out of order, out of sync, and their undefeated season looked like it was running out of time. That's when Mother Nature stepped in. Thunder and Lightning, followed close behind by torrential rains, forced the Beauties off the field before the first inning was even over. Press the reset button. - Chris T.Booze on First was looking to beat the Newton Benchmarks again and secure victory number 2 on the season. We got on the scoreboard early in the second inning as consecutive hits by Andrew and Sam put men on second and third. Patrick then drove in our first run of the game to give us a 1-0 lead. Despite getting more people on base that was our only run. We then played some great defense to secure the victory. Frank the Tank made a great catch of a line drive that bounced off of Vivek. Patrick made a game saving over the shoulder catch in center field as the Benchmarks tried to deliver a last attack in the final inning. Andrew made a great diving catch as pitcher and also threw a solid game. Kevin played well at first and Jacqui delivered another solid game at catcher as well as getting a nice double. Booze will look for their 3rd victory of the season as they play the Benchmarks again in the rivalry game next week. - Sam B. 

In one of the tightest games of the seasons, Brief Student Concerns beat the Ninjas on a walk off. It was a game of leads built, lead changes, crucial plays by team members and all out effort all around. Truly one of the best games of the season where the Ninjas came up just a little bit short against a rapidly improving Brief Student Concerns. Though the Ninjas will seek sweet delicious revenge tonight. Mmmmm. Revenge. - David M. 

  • Please visit here for tonight's schedule. Yeah. It's all sorts of fucked up. Remember Games start at 6:00pm, 6:45 and 7:30. Yowsah.
  • Please visit here for current league standings.
  • Tim will never fall into a Sarlac pit, but he'll take some awesome photos. 
  • Apologies for lack of links and artwork by Tim this week. I'm on vacation and main-lining BBQ sauce in America's Heartland and Arrested Development as if I'm a bit player in The Wire. 

Next Week

It will not be the blog post you are looking for.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Spring Edition - Where is My Mind?

Pomp and Stances

Please Tim, I hope you are getting this stance
on film. 
First off, I know many members of this league are involved to some extent with the education industry. Whether you are a bender or shaper of young minds, or have recently had you mind bended and shaped by some institution of education, May is usually a busy month for you. For those of you who deal with older kids, or are in fact older kids, May brings graduation. You mark the culmination of your years of study with the pomp and circumstances (or in my case a massive, massive hangover from drinking Georgian cognac) as you try to live in the moment of accomplishment before the soul sucking gravity of  now being responsible for "work" and "the rest of your life" come crashing down upon you. Or if you are a teacher of older students who are graduating, your face becomes a mask trying to shield your kids one last day from the terrorizing and terrifying reality that awaits them outside those hallowed halls. For those of you who deal with a younger folk, your May eyes are fixated on getting through to the end and to that big bottle of bourbon (or whatever libation awaits you) upon completion of the academic year. 

This is how you lick it and stick it. 
One way I find to celebrate May every year is to join a summer kickball league. Nothing says "Fuck it" like hanging out it brightly colored shirts (and jorts if you are lucky), drinking with friends, and other shenanigans and misadventures and playing a kid's game with a giant ball. If only there were such a league like this? Oh where, oh where could we find such a league, where all of our hope, joys, fears and dreams could be fulfilled? Well, thankfully we here at the Ghost Man have just the league you are looking for. Sign up here for the summer

And in keeping with the theme of shamelessness, I was reminded the other day by a friend of the celebrity benefit concert that will be coming to the TD Garden to benefit the One Fund to help the victims of the bombing. My friend is a New Yorker, and was chiding me gently about the pedigree of the lineup. For both the 9/11 Concerts and Sandy Relief, New York got some epic names and epic performances. Boston gets Aerosmith and Dane Cook. (I can understand the Aerosmith demographic. Aging boomers tend to have a lot of money. But what is Dane Cook's appeal? Is the festering pus-filled douchebag demographic a well monied one? I need a Pew poll.) While I'm sure the show will be a good time for those in attendance and will raise money, I always question large scale celebrity events in the name of charity. I'm jaded by the aftermath of 9/11 when the United Way and Red Cross both were accused of mishandling funds donated in the spirit of wanting to help the victims. 
Do I catch the ball or the girl? So confused.

While I think the Robin Hood fund and One Fund have learned from the mistakes of the post 9/11 charitable assistance drives, there is still much to be leery about. (And not Denis Leary, despite his avowed asshole-ish ness. His work for firefighters is legendary.) Recently the Boston Globe ran a feature about how celebrity charities and events tend to be more about self-aggrandizement and tax avoision, rather than actually helping out the charity. We see an event, we raise money, but there is little to no follow through on whether the event helped the people it intended to help. I also question the efficiency of buying something for charity. Unless the goods or service is donated, there are some overhead costs that take away from the monies donated. I've always felt my money is better used given directly to a cause rather than through a raffle or other such fund raising mechanism. The fewer hands in the til, the better the odds the money goes to the right people. (Donations to the Ghost Man on Third Bourbon and Bacon Fund are not tax deductible). 

Levitate me
However my biggest peeve with the upcoming show is the lineup. Now while it is brilliant to feature acts appealing to the baby boomer acts (Boomers = Money) it isn't really a great reflection of Boston's continuing contribution to popular music. I know people are probably tired of the Dropkick Muprhy's  ubiquitous nature, but as someone who remembers them before they were big (Ken Casey used to have season tickets in my section at the Garden. Then he sold out for the loge.) they definitely should be there. (Not playing "Pipebomb on Landsdowne." Too soon!) While I understand the limited appeal of J. Geils Band (though personally I'm sick of Peter Wolf. I see him everywhere. Concerts. Movies. Restaurants. In fact a few weekends ago, I went to visit the bombing sites, there he was at bomb site #2. He must have gotten lost.) this show is too old people heavy. And I saw this as someone who has old music tastes.  But the biggest snub is the lack of inclusion of the Pixies, who were probably the most influential band from Boston in the past 25 years. (Yes, I see you Mission of Burma fans, but your appeal is a bit too narrow. Sorry.)  Whereas Aerosmith and J. Geils were products of their age, the Pixies were the leading edge of a new age of rock. Before his untimely death, Kurt Cobain gave an interview with Rolling Stone where he bluntly stated that "Smells Like Teen Spirit" was basically an attempt to rip off the Pixies

Not that it really matters, since musical taste is subjective (unless of course you like Nickleback. Then there is no hope for your soul.) and the concert is more a way to avoid taxes raise money than celebrate the music of Boston (the city, not the band.) I just wanted an excuse to mention the Pixies and segue into...

Video or Song of the Week that Interests Me (And Probably Only Me)

One of my favorite movies and uses of a song not written specifically for a movie in a movie. (Think the piano coda from "Layla" when all the bodies are discovered after the Luftansa heist in "Goodfellas") 

A full live version of the song here. FOR MORE ABOUT THE 

Games You People Played In

We got a run mutherfuckers! But since I bet the under,
we can't go out for pancakes. 
Brief Student Concerns 3 over Newton Benchmarks 1
The Newton Benchmarks scored their first run.!!!!!!!  With a hit from Superstar Brett, Jesse was able to bring it home.  We may have lost every game but we are getting better.  Bring it on next week!! - David G.

Frank's Little Beauties 5 over Booze on First 1
Booze on first knew they would need to be on their game as we had a double header with a game against Franks Little Beauties and then one against Sacks and Racks. A last minute illness thrust captain Sam into the role of starting pitcher. Our defense was strong against Franks Little Beauties holding them scoreless in the first two innings. Unfortunately our usual problem of lack of offense continued to plague us. We kicked the ball well but just right at them. Our defense ultimately kept us in the game as we lost 5-0, a big improvement from out first meeting. Bethany made a great catch in right field. Vivek, Kevin, Bret, and Patrick all had solid defensive games. - Sam B.
I move this ball with my mind...and my arm. Basically
my mind tells my arm to move the ball. 

Frank's Little Beauties kept on rolling with a 5-0 victory, keeping the undefeated season dream alive. FLB's got off to a slow start, as they reversed the batting order and kicked bottom to top. But once the train got rolling the other team was forced off the tracks. Team MVP of the week was Keivan Russo, who decided it was not important for him to show up on time for the game. He arrived in the fifth, going 0 for 0 from the plate, while recording the final out of the game with a putout from shortstop. An all-star performance for sure. - Chris T. 

Sacks N Racks 7 over Booze on First 1In our second game we fell behind early due to some key bunts by Sacks and Racks. Jacqui played well at catcher almost making a great play at the plate - missing the tag by a few inches. Mary made a nice catch in right field. Kate used her speed to get on base acting as a pinch runner for Kathleen who was dealing with an injured back. The real highlight of the game was Peter scoring our only run and second of the season. He slipped and fell rounding third causing questions of was he injured, dead, or did he think he had already crossed the plate? Next up for Booze on First - scoring 2 runs in a game! - Sam B. 
We won two. But since I didnt parlay our wins, we can't get
the big beer tower at Shopper's World. 
Sacks N Racks 4 over Ninja Island 1
Undermanned and overwhelmed, missing Skipper, Little Buddy, Ginger, Maryann, The Professor and Thurston P. Howell III, Lovey was tasked with facing Sacks N Racks all by herself. While she did well to hold Sacks down and get an early run, it was just too much for one wife of a multi-millionare to handle. Next week she hopes the Castaways return with reinforcements. - David M.

So You Want to Know a Kickball Star?

Special feature this week. Instead of learning about a kickball star, you have to guess the kickball star. Thanks to the photoshop wizardry of Tim, we have a shirt and nothing else. Tell us who this is. Please post your guesses in the comment sections below. 

  • Please visit here for tonight's schedule.  Ninjas and Newton Benchmarks, you have the doubleheader!
  • Please visit here for current league standings.
  • Don't forget to join us again this summer for the summer league. You can sign up here. 
  • Thanks as always to Tim for his great, great photos. 

Next Week

First Rule of WAKA. Tell Everyone about WAKA.
Second Rule of WAKA. Remember the first rule of WAKA
Third Rule of WAKA. Lemur skin does not reflect kickballs. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Spring Edition - Banana Hammocks in the Breeze


This week's edition is going to brief and ephemeral, like a summer thunderstorm or a gust of wind. I made a poor editorial decision this week, by putting the GMOT into the hands of the monkey I employ as my butler and food taster (I have many enemies. Or I've been watching too much of The Borgias (both the Showtime series and the far superior one on Netflix starring John "See these, these are for you McNulty" Doman). Since my output in this blog isn't much more coherent than the random keystrokes of a cousin primate, I figured that my monkey butler could write this week's newsletter. This was a big mistake. He took to writing so well, that he was signed by Random House. His first novel "Sex and Bananas: A Howling Monkey Tale" will be available this Fall where local books and bananas are sold. Of course this means he's no longer my butler. And that he's also developed a serious drinking and chain smoking habit. A writer's life is a cruel mistress. 

Games You People Played In

Brief Student Concerns 5 over Booze on First 0

Booze on First was looking to make it 2 wins in a row however things didn't go as planned as we were shut out by Brief Student Concerns 5-0. They played some great defense. Not a lot of individual highlights for Booze. Jacqui played solid behind the plate while Bret made a nice catch and throw double play from center field. Andrew kicked what looked to be at least a double but was robbed by a great defensive play in right field. Natalie and Kate had the lone hits for Booze. - Sam B

Frank's Little Beauties 10 over Ninja Island 1

Things got swamped on Ninja Island, as Frank's Little Beauties brought a tsunami. Residents of Ninja Island are begging you to make donations to the Red Cross to help as they rebuild. Specifically Jen E wants a trampoline, and Mike G wants a big screen TV - David M

Video or Song of the Week that Interests Me (And Probably Only Me)

Big News

SUMMER REGISTRATION IS OPEN OF THE MA COMMONWEALTH SUMMER LEAGUE. Continue the party all throughout the season. Sign up here.

  • Please visit here for tonight's schedule.  Brief Student Concerns and Frank's Little Beauties you have a double header! 
  • Please visit here for current league standings.
  • DO NOT BRING ALCOHOL OR SMOKE AT GANN ACADEMY. Anyone seen with alcohol will be ejected from the field. If we are caught by the School, we could lose our permit and no more season. 
  • DRINK AT SHOPPER'S WORLD. That is our league bar and that is why they are there  
Next Week

Sex and Bananas II: Electric FlingingPoo

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Spring Edition - Mustang Sally Forth

There's Goes Swifty

This past Saturday was the 139th running of the Kentucky Derby. Billed as "the most exciting two minutes in sports" (something as a hockey fan I would disagree with vehemently), this annual event is known for it's ladies with the loud hats (Church crowns to you fans of The Wire), mint julieps, and the thousands upon thousands of "wow six hours of build up for two minutes of action, just like my sex life" jokes. Every year when I watch the race, I think fondly of two things. First is the non-fiction book "Seabiscuit" by Laura Hillenbrand. Probably one of the best non-fiction books I've ever read. Second of course is time spent at Suffolk Downs, Rockingham, and Wonderland  (Go Little Horses) as an awkward late teenager. 

I, like the majority of voters in this state, supported the banning of greyhound racing a few years ago. As someone who does not abide cruelty to other living things (thus why I bought all the tickets to the One Fund Concert at the Garden. No one should be subjected to Dane Cook in any form.) the dog racing industry in this state was plagued by inhumane and exploitation of the dogs. That said, I still had fond memories of the track experience. When you are 18 and have only a so-so fake ID, there aren't many adults places to go or things to do. (I'll save my rants on our society's flawed view on alcohol for a later date) So my friends and I gravitated towards Wonderland for the greyhounds and Suffolk Downs for the horses. Ignoring the humane issue for a moment, there is an undeniable thrill to watching a race, whether it be dogs, horses or blindfolded babies. That thrill is intensified especially if you have money on it. Knowing the decision on whether you'll order the clam plate or lobster roll at Kelly's in triumph, or sucking  out the gooey innards of a discarded mustard packet in defeat hangs in the balance of chance can be intoxicating. Tom Brady knows what I'm talking about

Of course as I grew older and was allowed into bars and replaced the intoxication of hitting a quinela at 7-1 odds with the intoxication of real intoxication, the "glamour" of Wonderland and Suffolk faded. (And I'm really stretching the meaning of glamour there.) The mature concerns of humane treatment of dogs became worrisome (I don't have the same reservations with horses. I know several "horse people" and their commitment to the animals is  a vibe I never quite got from greyhound people. "Horse people" seem to have the same protective nature of any group of hobby oriented people. Dynamite fishing people. Parkour people. Kickball people....)  and then general seediness of the place got to you. When you are a dumb ass 18 year old and yearning to be treated like an adult, some fat guy smoking a cigar, drinking beers and lobbing such pearls of wisdom at you as "whatever you do, never, ever bet the abortion money" seems kinda cool. By the time you are 20 or 21, you see the pathos and sadness that resounds and abounds in a place like that, and the people who inhabit that world. 

So You Want To Know a Kickball Star?

Speaking of cruelty, it's time for this week's edition of So You Want to Know a a Kickball Star? This week we are featuring Big Rick from the Ninja Island. There was some campaigning done to feature Ninja outfielder Jeff, however he is already a celebrity, having won a prestigious award and been a guest on NPR's "All Things Considered" in his capacity as a Space Policy Analyst. Rick, however has a darker, more interesting past that I think we should explore. 

Like most tales in this sordid world of lies and kickball, Rick's tale starts with his father, Jorel. Jorel was a respected scientist and Nehru jacket importer in the distant city of Malden. Concerned that the red hot Exxon sign that brought the fair city of Malden light would someday explode and destroy the town, or at least become a nuisance that decreased property values to an alarming level, Jorel took a daring plan of action. Determined to stay and fight those who would support the sign, but wanting to keep his son free, he packed all his notes, dreams, aspirations, kick ass crystal unicorn collection, and son into a 1981 Chevy Citation and sent them to the distant town of Saugus. 

Rick, raised by a kindly childless couple who live in that neighborhood by Saugus High where you can't make a U-turn to go back up Route 1, was a quiet, shy boy. He grew in strength and knowledge, though was fearful of his peers, hiding his distant Malden upbringing under a bookish alter ego, Federico "Rick" Greene. 

When old enough, Rick moved to the working class Faubourg Marigny neighborhood of New Orleans. He got a job as a dockworker and for awhile was a promising amateur boxer. However, like many who move to the Big Easy, he was sucked into swirl and decadence of the N'awlins life, as his bookish facade melted under the lights, alcohol and avalanche of sexual offerings of Bourbon Street. All that was left of his Saugus life was his kick ass collection of crystal unicorns.

After becoming entangled dockworker union intrigue and nearly beaten to death after standing up to a union kingpin, Rick became a disgruntled and jaded man. He'd sit hour after hour at a local bar, screaming for his favorite beer "STELLA! STELLA! STELLA...ARTOIS!" and muttering on how he could have been a contender on American Idol. One night, drunk and despondent  his mind and body ravaged by an addiction to Pixie Stix and Valomilks, he walked to the banks of the Mississippi, resigned to commit suicide. Reaching into his pockets to leave everything on the bank, he felt one of his prized crystal unicorns. Lamenting the horror, oh, the horror of his life, wishing he somehow could have been a Mafia Don, or Doctor who had to create genetically altered mutant species, he tossed the last of  his prized kick ass crystal unicorns with a mighty heave into the darkness. Shamed by the decay of his life he returned back to his hovel and had a nap. 

Hours later he awoke to a voice crying in the night, "Son of Jorel." Off in the distance he saw a faint glowing beacon, calling to him. Calling to him. Drawn by this unknowable light, he traveled over hill and dale, river, mountain and stream, up through the Cumberland and Appalachia, through the tidewaters of the Chesapeake (making sure to stop in Washington, DC for the Cherry Blossom festival) through the storm ravaged coast of New Jersey, and New York, and cursing under his breathe of how the journey would be much easier and less annoying if the state of Connecticut did not exist. With each step, each mile the draw of the light grew stronger, the voice in his head louder. Until finally on a baseball diamond in the back of Gann Academy, Rick came to the source of light, his calling in this mixed-up, muddled up world that had chewed him up and spat him out like some gristle at a bad steak house. There standing on the diamond was his father, holding the kick ass crystal unicorn. "Hey Rick. I signed you up for a kickball league. Oh and I bought you a new unicorn. I call him..." Rick interrupts his father. "Please no names it's time for our first kickball game in Waltham." 

Games You People Played In

Booze on First 1 defeats Newton Benchmarks 0

Although we lost another game the Newton Benchmarks are getting better. We continue to be a ver spirited and supportive team. It was a close game with Robert pitching a great game. The amazing Erin scored many outs by leaping after the ball. You go Erin!!
We are a loud team, not even hearing the refs foul calls. The Benchmarks got so close in the last inning when Coach Jesse nailed the ball into left field. The incredibly talented Jen who was on second base hauled it to home only to find out that it was a foul. Boohoo!!
We are learning more strategies and we are going to the next game with the Sacks and Racks with more determination, wisdom, and an awesome game plan. Bring it on!!! - David G

In an epic showdown between the two lowest scoring teams in the league the only question was how would these offensive juggernauts be contained. Booze on first was kicking the ball well but still had trouble getting that elusive first run. We finally broke through with a single by Bret who then was able to get to third with some heads up base running. Kevin kicked in Booze first run of the season and put us on top 1-0. The Benchmarks didn't let up as they had 2 men on base in the bottom of the 5th but some stellar d sealed the victory for booze. Andrew pitched a complete game shutout and made some nice throws to Kevin at first. Patrick was able to survive a bone jarring collision with Michelle and make a great catch in left field. Booze on First will look to keep the runs coming next game!  - Sam B

Ninja Island 6 over Brief Student Concerns 3

A little short handed the Ninjas came out kicking, building a lead using defense, a paper 
clip, and the Moon's gravitational pull, like MacGyver. The Ninjas needed it all, as a late two run home run (it would have gone farther without the pull of the Moon) made the game closer. The winner of the Coconut Bra of Conquest went to Jeff for his big double. The Hard Hat of Hula went to Jon N for his stellar defense. And the Indefatigable Can of Spam II went to Jen M, who made two terrific plays at second and flooded the field with such celebratory profanity that I would not be surprised if when we get to Gann Academy tonight and the field was overgrown by Fuck Trees and Damn Flowers. - David M

Frank's Little Beauties 3 over Sacks N Racks 1

In an epic showdown between the two lowest scoring teams in the league the only question was how would these offensive juggernauts be contained. Booze on first was kicking the ball well but still had trouble getting that elusive first run. We finally broke through with a single by Bret who then was able to get to third with 
some heads up base running. Kevin kicked in Booze first run of the season and put us on top 1-0. The Benchmarks didn't let up as they had 2 men on base in the bottom of the 5th but some stellar d sealed the victory for booze. Andrew pitched a complete game shutout and made some nice throws to Kevin at first. Patrick was able to survive a bone jarring collision with Michelle and make a great catch in left field. Booze on First will look to keep the runs coming next game! - Nicole

Frank's Little Beauties hit there first speed bump of the season, as the offense sputtered throughout the game. FLB's were forced to rely heavily on their defense, and though they yielded their first run of the season, they were able to squeak out a 3-1 victory on the backs of insurance runs by Derek and Jen in the 5th inning. Not to be overlooked was Mike Caney's diving grab in shallow right field, preserving what at the time was a 1-0 lead. - Chris

Song or Video that Interests Me (And Probably Only Me)

This is the infamous match race between Seabiscuit and War Admiral. For those of you who haven't read Hillenbrand's book (or seen the moving with Toby McGuire, you know, Spiderman, but not the latest Spiderman) this race was the culmination of a long arduous journey that resulted in an almost discarded underdog horse (underhorse?) destroying a pedigreed Triple Crown winner in what was the most anticipated sporting event of the Depression Era.  (40,000 people at the track and an estimated 40 million listened to the race on the radio.) 


  • Please visit here for tonight's schedule.  Brief Student Concerns and Frank's Little Beauties you have a double header! 
  • Please visit here for current league standings.
  • Remember to visit our league bar Shopper's World after the game. Free wings, great food, and a beer selection that makes this Kentucky Colonel (Ed. Note: Not really a Kentucky Colonel...yet) put down his juliep. 
  • No drinking or smoking at the field. 
  • Muchas gracias a Tim Hoffman para sus fotografías excelentes!
  • It may actually be warm today. Bring bug repellent! 

Next Week

More Interesting Ways to Use Butter