Monday, May 20, 2013

Spring Edition - Where is My Mind?

Pomp and Stances

Please Tim, I hope you are getting this stance
on film. 
First off, I know many members of this league are involved to some extent with the education industry. Whether you are a bender or shaper of young minds, or have recently had you mind bended and shaped by some institution of education, May is usually a busy month for you. For those of you who deal with older kids, or are in fact older kids, May brings graduation. You mark the culmination of your years of study with the pomp and circumstances (or in my case a massive, massive hangover from drinking Georgian cognac) as you try to live in the moment of accomplishment before the soul sucking gravity of  now being responsible for "work" and "the rest of your life" come crashing down upon you. Or if you are a teacher of older students who are graduating, your face becomes a mask trying to shield your kids one last day from the terrorizing and terrifying reality that awaits them outside those hallowed halls. For those of you who deal with a younger folk, your May eyes are fixated on getting through to the end and to that big bottle of bourbon (or whatever libation awaits you) upon completion of the academic year. 

This is how you lick it and stick it. 
One way I find to celebrate May every year is to join a summer kickball league. Nothing says "Fuck it" like hanging out it brightly colored shirts (and jorts if you are lucky), drinking with friends, and other shenanigans and misadventures and playing a kid's game with a giant ball. If only there were such a league like this? Oh where, oh where could we find such a league, where all of our hope, joys, fears and dreams could be fulfilled? Well, thankfully we here at the Ghost Man have just the league you are looking for. Sign up here for the summer

And in keeping with the theme of shamelessness, I was reminded the other day by a friend of the celebrity benefit concert that will be coming to the TD Garden to benefit the One Fund to help the victims of the bombing. My friend is a New Yorker, and was chiding me gently about the pedigree of the lineup. For both the 9/11 Concerts and Sandy Relief, New York got some epic names and epic performances. Boston gets Aerosmith and Dane Cook. (I can understand the Aerosmith demographic. Aging boomers tend to have a lot of money. But what is Dane Cook's appeal? Is the festering pus-filled douchebag demographic a well monied one? I need a Pew poll.) While I'm sure the show will be a good time for those in attendance and will raise money, I always question large scale celebrity events in the name of charity. I'm jaded by the aftermath of 9/11 when the United Way and Red Cross both were accused of mishandling funds donated in the spirit of wanting to help the victims. 
Do I catch the ball or the girl? So confused.

While I think the Robin Hood fund and One Fund have learned from the mistakes of the post 9/11 charitable assistance drives, there is still much to be leery about. (And not Denis Leary, despite his avowed asshole-ish ness. His work for firefighters is legendary.) Recently the Boston Globe ran a feature about how celebrity charities and events tend to be more about self-aggrandizement and tax avoision, rather than actually helping out the charity. We see an event, we raise money, but there is little to no follow through on whether the event helped the people it intended to help. I also question the efficiency of buying something for charity. Unless the goods or service is donated, there are some overhead costs that take away from the monies donated. I've always felt my money is better used given directly to a cause rather than through a raffle or other such fund raising mechanism. The fewer hands in the til, the better the odds the money goes to the right people. (Donations to the Ghost Man on Third Bourbon and Bacon Fund are not tax deductible). 

Levitate me
However my biggest peeve with the upcoming show is the lineup. Now while it is brilliant to feature acts appealing to the baby boomer acts (Boomers = Money) it isn't really a great reflection of Boston's continuing contribution to popular music. I know people are probably tired of the Dropkick Muprhy's  ubiquitous nature, but as someone who remembers them before they were big (Ken Casey used to have season tickets in my section at the Garden. Then he sold out for the loge.) they definitely should be there. (Not playing "Pipebomb on Landsdowne." Too soon!) While I understand the limited appeal of J. Geils Band (though personally I'm sick of Peter Wolf. I see him everywhere. Concerts. Movies. Restaurants. In fact a few weekends ago, I went to visit the bombing sites, there he was at bomb site #2. He must have gotten lost.) this show is too old people heavy. And I saw this as someone who has old music tastes.  But the biggest snub is the lack of inclusion of the Pixies, who were probably the most influential band from Boston in the past 25 years. (Yes, I see you Mission of Burma fans, but your appeal is a bit too narrow. Sorry.)  Whereas Aerosmith and J. Geils were products of their age, the Pixies were the leading edge of a new age of rock. Before his untimely death, Kurt Cobain gave an interview with Rolling Stone where he bluntly stated that "Smells Like Teen Spirit" was basically an attempt to rip off the Pixies

Not that it really matters, since musical taste is subjective (unless of course you like Nickleback. Then there is no hope for your soul.) and the concert is more a way to avoid taxes raise money than celebrate the music of Boston (the city, not the band.) I just wanted an excuse to mention the Pixies and segue into...

Video or Song of the Week that Interests Me (And Probably Only Me)

One of my favorite movies and uses of a song not written specifically for a movie in a movie. (Think the piano coda from "Layla" when all the bodies are discovered after the Luftansa heist in "Goodfellas") 

A full live version of the song here. FOR MORE ABOUT THE 

Games You People Played In

We got a run mutherfuckers! But since I bet the under,
we can't go out for pancakes. 
Brief Student Concerns 3 over Newton Benchmarks 1
The Newton Benchmarks scored their first run.!!!!!!!  With a hit from Superstar Brett, Jesse was able to bring it home.  We may have lost every game but we are getting better.  Bring it on next week!! - David G.

Frank's Little Beauties 5 over Booze on First 1
Booze on first knew they would need to be on their game as we had a double header with a game against Franks Little Beauties and then one against Sacks and Racks. A last minute illness thrust captain Sam into the role of starting pitcher. Our defense was strong against Franks Little Beauties holding them scoreless in the first two innings. Unfortunately our usual problem of lack of offense continued to plague us. We kicked the ball well but just right at them. Our defense ultimately kept us in the game as we lost 5-0, a big improvement from out first meeting. Bethany made a great catch in right field. Vivek, Kevin, Bret, and Patrick all had solid defensive games. - Sam B.
I move this ball with my mind...and my arm. Basically
my mind tells my arm to move the ball. 

Frank's Little Beauties kept on rolling with a 5-0 victory, keeping the undefeated season dream alive. FLB's got off to a slow start, as they reversed the batting order and kicked bottom to top. But once the train got rolling the other team was forced off the tracks. Team MVP of the week was Keivan Russo, who decided it was not important for him to show up on time for the game. He arrived in the fifth, going 0 for 0 from the plate, while recording the final out of the game with a putout from shortstop. An all-star performance for sure. - Chris T. 

Sacks N Racks 7 over Booze on First 1In our second game we fell behind early due to some key bunts by Sacks and Racks. Jacqui played well at catcher almost making a great play at the plate - missing the tag by a few inches. Mary made a nice catch in right field. Kate used her speed to get on base acting as a pinch runner for Kathleen who was dealing with an injured back. The real highlight of the game was Peter scoring our only run and second of the season. He slipped and fell rounding third causing questions of was he injured, dead, or did he think he had already crossed the plate? Next up for Booze on First - scoring 2 runs in a game! - Sam B. 
We won two. But since I didnt parlay our wins, we can't get
the big beer tower at Shopper's World. 
Sacks N Racks 4 over Ninja Island 1
Undermanned and overwhelmed, missing Skipper, Little Buddy, Ginger, Maryann, The Professor and Thurston P. Howell III, Lovey was tasked with facing Sacks N Racks all by herself. While she did well to hold Sacks down and get an early run, it was just too much for one wife of a multi-millionare to handle. Next week she hopes the Castaways return with reinforcements. - David M.

So You Want to Know a Kickball Star?

Special feature this week. Instead of learning about a kickball star, you have to guess the kickball star. Thanks to the photoshop wizardry of Tim, we have a shirt and nothing else. Tell us who this is. Please post your guesses in the comment sections below. 

  • Please visit here for tonight's schedule.  Ninjas and Newton Benchmarks, you have the doubleheader!
  • Please visit here for current league standings.
  • Don't forget to join us again this summer for the summer league. You can sign up here. 
  • Thanks as always to Tim for his great, great photos. 

Next Week

First Rule of WAKA. Tell Everyone about WAKA.
Second Rule of WAKA. Remember the first rule of WAKA
Third Rule of WAKA. Lemur skin does not reflect kickballs.