This week's edition is going to brief and ephemeral, like a summer thunderstorm or a gust of wind. I made a poor editorial decision this week, by putting the GMOT into the hands of the monkey I employ as my butler and food taster (I have many enemies. Or I've been watching too much of The Borgias (both the Showtime series and the far superior one on Netflix starring John "See these, these are for you McNulty" Doman). Since my output in this blog isn't much more coherent than the random keystrokes of a cousin primate, I figured that my monkey butler could write this week's newsletter. This was a big mistake. He took to writing so well, that he was signed by Random House. His first novel "Sex and Bananas: A Howling Monkey Tale" will be available this Fall where local books and bananas are sold. Of course this means he's no longer my butler. And that he's also developed a serious drinking and chain smoking habit. A writer's life is a cruel mistress.
Games You People Played In
Brief Student Concerns 5 over Booze on First 0
Booze on First was looking to make it 2 wins in a row however things didn't go as planned as we were shut out by Brief Student Concerns 5-0. They played some great defense. Not a lot of individual highlights for Booze. Jacqui played solid behind the plate while Bret made a nice catch and throw double play from center field. Andrew kicked what looked to be at least a double but was robbed by a great defensive play in right field. Natalie and Kate had the lone hits for Booze. - Sam B
Frank's Little Beauties 10 over Ninja Island 1
Things got swamped on Ninja Island, as Frank's Little Beauties brought a tsunami. Residents of Ninja Island are begging you to make donations to the Red Cross to help as they rebuild. Specifically Jen E wants a trampoline, and Mike G wants a big screen TV - David M
Video or Song of the Week that Interests Me (And Probably Only Me)
Big News
- Please visit here for tonight's schedule. Brief Student Concerns and Frank's Little Beauties you have a double header!
- Please visit here for current league standings.
- DO NOT BRING ALCOHOL OR SMOKE AT GANN ACADEMY. Anyone seen with alcohol will be ejected from the field. If we are caught by the School, we could lose our permit and no more season.
- DRINK AT SHOPPER'S WORLD. That is our league bar and that is why they are there
Next Week
Sex and Bananas II: Electric FlingingPoo