The Award Winning Official Newsletter of the MA Commonwealth Division
"I'm a kickball player in my dreams, you know."
PART I: "Just do the things you want, just do the things you need. Time flies like this and we gotta get it going indeed. all the damn people flood our stream and we're just in a dream, so tonight you're best to get together for future of the scene." - The Hives
For many of you, Sunday nights for the next five weeks will be spent watching the gripping conclusion to the AMC series Breaking Bad. It is perhaps the best written, acted and show ever on basic cable (and maybe second overall to The Wire), and for those of you who've watched from the beginning or recently marathoned it on Netflix, you have become invested in how the next five weeks will play out as the show wraps up.

For four teams last week, their dream of Immortal Kickball Glory faded with the rapidly setting sun. Tonight three teams will walk away with shattered dreams, while a lucky team will have their dream realized in a moment of what with the early sunset, pitch black clarity.
For those of you whose season ended last week come on out and enjoy the games. Referees will be needed, so please anyone who can help end this great season on a high note will be much appreciated.
For those of you playing tonight, good luck. May your dream come true.
PART III: "Last night I dreamt, that somebody loved me. No hope, no harm. Just another false alarm." The Smiths
Pecan Sandies 5 over Don't Come on My Base 1

After giving up a run in the top of the first to a shorthanded DCOMB squad, Pecan came back strong with a two out rally in the bottom of the inning. Mike M and Ben K set the table for BDO who hit a 3-run homer.
The score stayed that way until the 4th when Chris T doubled (thanks in part to a generous call at 2nd by a ref distracted by the scenery) home Ona to account for the final score of 4-1. - Jason K.
Thanks to defending champions Don't Come on My Base for a honorable defense of their title.
Andrew, Andrea,Caroline, Alison, Dave, Danny, Daniel, Erik, Daniel, Illana, Illana, Jonathan, Amber, Matthew, Meaghan, Melissa, Nichole, Sarah, Jonathan, Andrew, and Steven.
Legion of Doom 7 over Slim Kickins 0

Thanks to Tony, Brian, Caleb, Craig, Dan, Erica, Ivana, Inda, Kurt, Lynn, Matthew, Maureen, Megan, Maria, Matthew, Meghan, Samuel, Scott, Scott, Steve and Tim.
Boca Cabana 5 over Saved by the Balls 0
Boca Cabana held a commencement for the class of Saved by the Balls as they ended their season. Good luck to the Saved By the Balls Class of 2013, Aaron, Laurie, Ben, Caitlin, Joe, Jamie, Jen, Paula, Melanie, Michale, Jeffrey, Nichole, Nick, Peter, Bobby, Ryan, Ashley, Kara, Jordan and Vanessa and all their future endeavors.
Melon Farming Ninjas 4 over Menace 2 Sobriety 1

Having not faced good friends Menace 2 Sobriety since Week 1, the Ninjas were not sure how far along the 12 steps they had come. The Ninjas were able to get a run early, only to be thwarted in their attempts for more by some good defence of M2B. M2B made amends by tying the game in the bottom of the first. But the Ninjas proved to be the higher power, as they pushed across a run in the 3rd, and then two runs in the 4th on great hustle by Jen E on a round the base trip by Paul. The defense was anchored by the pitching of Nick, the grit and toughness of Jacqui, and the stalwart defense of Big Nick at first. And since Vivek kept his shirt on, it was a win-win for everyone! - David M.
Congratulations to Menace 2 Sobriety for making it this far in another season. As they say at the meetings, "KEEP COMING BACK Andrew, Brad, Brian, Carolyn, Iain, Frank, Brian, Jess, Justin, Jen, Keara, Liz, Marcus, Sam, Melissa, Meredith, Mike, Natalie, Amanda, Steve, Tracy, Kevin, Valerie, Vishu and Vivek."
PART IV: "Except in dreams, we're never really free." - Warren Zevon
Grass: #3 Melon Farming Ninjas v. #2 Legion of Doom
Dirt: #4 Pecan Sandies v. #1 Boca Cabana
7:15pmWinner of Game 1 v. Winner of Game 2. Highest seed chooses field.
PART V: "In one, numbers were burning. In another, I witnessed a crime. In one, I was running, and in another, All I seemed to be doing was climb. Wasn’t looking for any special assistance. Not going to any great extremes. I’d already gone the distance. Just thinking of a series of dreams." - Bob Dylan

SHOPPER'S CAFE: Stop by Shopper's for One Last Hurrah to congratulate the winners and watch the losers drown their sorrows in beer and wing sauce.
PHOTOS: If you have any photos, please
GAME TIME: Sunset tonight is 7:23pm. This means games have to start on time, and earlier if possible.. Please be at the field 15 minutes before your scheduled game start.
PART V: "Sleep, sleep tonight. May your dreams be realized. If the thunder cloud passes rain, let it rain, rain on me." - U2
50 years ago yesterday, this happened. May it serve as a reminder of how far we've come, and how far we still have to go. That is a dream worth pursuing.
Good luck and happy kicking,