The Award Winning Official Newsletter of the MA Commonwealth Division
"Kick over London. Ball over Waltham."
Table of Contents:
I: Let's Go CrazyII: The True King of Rock and Roll?

PART I: "Please don't ask me what's on my mind. I'm a little mixed up, but I'm feelin' fine. When I'm near that girl that I love best, my heart beats so it scares me to death!" - Elvis
The MA Independent and MA Commonwealth leagues are hosting the End of Season Party, this Friday 7pm at Tommy Doyle's. Private Room until 9. Live band after that. Open bar (beer and rail drinks!) for all kickballers and their guests.
For more information see the Facebook Page here.
PART II: "Dearly beloved, we have gathered here today. To get through this thing called life Electric word life it means forever and that's a mighty long time
But I'm here to tell you there's something else. The afterworld, a world of never ending happiness. You can always see the sun, day or night. So when you call up that shrink in Beverly Hills. You know the one Dr. Everything'll Be Alright. Instead of asking him how much of your time is left? Ask him how much of your mind, baby.
'Cause in this life things are much harder than in the afterworld. This life you're on your own. And if the elevator tries to bring you down, Go crazy!" - Prince
PART II: "Dearly beloved, we have gathered here today. To get through this thing called life Electric word life it means forever and that's a mighty long time
But I'm here to tell you there's something else. The afterworld, a world of never ending happiness. You can always see the sun, day or night. So when you call up that shrink in Beverly Hills. You know the one Dr. Everything'll Be Alright. Instead of asking him how much of your time is left? Ask him how much of your mind, baby.
'Cause in this life things are much harder than in the afterworld. This life you're on your own. And if the elevator tries to bring you down, Go crazy!" - Prince

Wesley Willis was a diagnosed schizophrenic who garnered a cult following in the Chicago indie scene of the mid 1990's. His music was punk. His lyrics were simple, honest and when dealing with his mental illness nonsensical. He would often engage in weird lyrical vulgarity because it would chase away the demons in his head. He was a noted painter, mostly of Chicago cityscapes and CTA buses (and since his death his artwork has become quite valued.) He would usually end his songs with a tag line of "Rock over London, Roll on Chicago" followed by an advertisement jingle "You're in good hands with Allstate." He was really anti-mullet, pro-Jesus,anti-Church. anti-super hero, and more importantly a rock n roll chronicler of rock bands playing in Chicago, like Rage, Nirvana, and Liz Phair.
While thousands will not descend upon Chicago to go to the Willis Tower (okay they didn't name it after Wesley, but they should have.) he'll be remember in this little corner of the artifical kickball universe.
PART III: "The lunatic is on the grass. The lunatic is on the grass. Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs. Got to keep the loonies on the path." - Pink Floyd
Don't Come on My Base 5 over Slim Kickins 3

These two teams have been switching, splitting, combining, and confusing the Waka Commonwealth commissioner for years. In 2011 it was Pink/Maroon/Dark Blue/Purple vs. Green. In 2012 it was Pink vs. Red/Green. In 2013 it was White/Green vs. Royal Blue. In a return of the iron toe, Steve "I carry people off the field AND kick home runs" started off the game strong with a two run homer to deep right. Another strong week for kicking sensation and game MVP Meghan along with smart base running by Ilana and Dan brought a solid lead going into the last inning. Although Frank and his Boys may have put together a rally that had nothing to do with Frank, the game ended with a teamwork pop-fly between Amber and Erik. The victory laps kept coming at the bar where a strong third place finish in the wings eating contest allowed DCOMB to challenge their former teammates Boca Cabana to a battle that will surely be infused with Mexi-Techno music. - Erik S.
Pecan Sandies 6 over Melon Farming Ninjas 0
In a battle of ancient rivals, the Sandies were to get key hits at key times and built a 6-0 lead. The Ninjas, lead by the aggressive base running of Michelle, Jen, and Jacqui worked hard to give the Ninjas a chance to win, but the big kick never came as the Sandies defense made play after play after play, like it was a Tom Emansky hitting clinic video. But revenge on the Sandies will be sweet, just like melons in the summer. - David M. .

The week 8 game between Menace to Sobriety and the Boca Cabana was a closer game then the score may dictate. There were many base runners for both squads but it seemed as if someone on the Boca Cabana would come up with a great defensive play to keep Menace to Sobriety off of the scoreboard. The Boca Cabana was able to put together two consecutive big innings capped off by a three-run home run by first year player Nick Talarico giving the Cabana confidence to hold the lead and earn a W in the second to last game of the regular season. -Andrew B.
Menace 2 Sobriety found themselves down 3-0 to Boca Cabana early on due to some costly fielding miscues. Unfortunately things didn't get much better as we ultimately lost 10-3. Sam and Melissa each had 2 hits and Andrew had a solid bunt down the third base line. Tracy and Steve made good catches in the outfield and Val played well at second. Frank "The Tank" made his pitching debut. Things didn't get better during the wing eating contest as Vivek came in dead last due to having to keep his shirt on while eating. - Sam B.
Legion of Doom 5 over Saved by the Balls 0 (Forfiet)
Once again, the Legion won using our foolproof "force the other team to forfeit" strategy, So far, the LOD is 2-0 when using this strategy. - Jon N.
PART IV: "They say, the definition of madness is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.That's right! Doo wacko!" - The Hives
Saved v. Menace - Refs: DCOMB
Pecan vs LOD - Refs: Ninjas
DCOMB vs Boca - Refs: Menace
Slim vs Ninjas - Refs: Pecans
PART V: "Wit' the ultraviolet dream. Hide from the red light beam. Now do you believe in the unseen? Look, but don't make your eyes strain. A nigga like me is goin' insane." - Cypress Hill
Announcements, Announcements Announcements
SHOPPER'S CAFE: Only Three More Weeks Left to Party at Shopper's. Please stop by post game and thank them for all they've done for us this year!
PHOTOS: Gimme Photos! Here:
SUNLIGHT: As we move deeper into August we will lose the sun. So please get to the field on time so we can start games and avoid shortened games. This is especially important during the playoffs.
ANTI-SOCIAL MEDIA: Follow the league on Twitter and Facebook.
PART V: "Crazy, but that's how it goes. Millions of people living as foes. Maybe. it's not too late. To learn how to love, and forget how to hate." - Ozzy Osborne
PART V: "Crazy, but that's how it goes. Millions of people living as foes. Maybe. it's not too late. To learn how to love, and forget how to hate." - Ozzy Osborne
The regular season ends tonight and the playoffs begin next week. It's time to get aboard the crazy.
- David, GMOT Editor