The Award Winning Official Newsletter of the MA Commonwealth Division
"I play kickball, therefore I am"
WEEK SEVEN: "No man born with a living soul, can be working for the clampdown. Kick over the wall 'cause government's to fall. How can you refuse it? Let fury have the hour, anger can be power. Don't you know that you can use it?" - The Clash
IV: The Pinnacle of Evolution... For a Moment
V: I'm Not Dead, I'm Immortal!
VI: Standings and Schedule
VII: Announcements
VIII: Self Indulgent Narcissism
PART I: "I was born a child of grace. Nothing else about the place. Everything was ugly but your beautiful face. And it left me no illusion." - U2
Leading off with a special shout out to Tim a friend of Looking to Bust Balls who took some professional quality shots of last week's league action. Please check out Tim's album here. I'll be using a few of them throughout the blog this week, but there are so many more great shots.
Secondly for those of you who couldn't make it on Friday night, you missed any awesome time at the MA Commonwealth Mid-Season Party. Above are some of the sights as your fellow league members put on their best costumes and competed for Immortal Kickball Costumed Glory! Congratulations to Matt from Don't Come on My Base! for winning with his beyond detailed Mad Hatter costume. (Seriously, a thread bandelero and pocket watch fob? That is dedication!)
Secondly for those of you who couldn't make it on Friday night, you missed any awesome time at the MA Commonwealth Mid-Season Party. Above are some of the sights as your fellow league members put on their best costumes and competed for Immortal Kickball Costumed Glory! Congratulations to Matt from Don't Come on My Base! for winning with his beyond detailed Mad Hatter costume. (Seriously, a thread bandelero and pocket watch fob? That is dedication!)
PART II: " I know I was born and I know that I'll die. The in between is mine. I am mine" - Pearl Jam
Remember, tonight is the much anticipated, highly publicized, can't miss event of the pre-playoffs post Mid Season Party, event on the kickball calendar. Yes, that is the Rivalry Challenge Week Drawing! This is the weighted drawing that will determine NEXT WEEK'S SCHEDULE OF GAMES! Have a grudge to settle? Want to play another team again because you like the color of their shirt? or think a particular member of that team is kinda attractive and you are looking for that in to say hi? Or you just want to humiliate and disgrace an opponent again? Well this could be the chance to do it. It's a weighted drawing based on reverse standings. If your team is picked you chose your opponent, and the opponent choses field and time. Let the trash talking begin!
PART II: "Some folks are born into a good life. Other folks get it anyway anyhow. I lost my money and I lost my wife. Them things don't seem to matter much to me now. Tonight I'll be on that hill 'cause I can't stop. I'll be on that hill with everything I got. Lives on the line where dreams are found and lost. I'll be there on time and I'll pay the cost. For wanting things that can only be found, in the darkness on the edge of town" - Bruce Springsteen
In keeping with my Procrastinarian nature, last Saturday after the haze and ecstasy of the Mid Season Costume Party wore off, I find myself starting to seriously think about my costume for the party that had already happened. For those you who missed the awesomeness (for shame. For shame) I came dressed as a slightly pudgier less addicted to heroin version of guitarist Saul Hudson, aka Slash. In a GNR state of mind, I began aimlessly wandering in the non-porn segments of the internet refreshing my memory about GNR related, watching various performances, and making notes in case I'm ever forced to a costumed affair again and have procrastinated to a point where I don't have a costume, so I just throw on a Social Distortion T-shirt, a black curly wig, top hat, aviators, and metal up my belt and pants, and try to be as authentic as possible. (Again, sans the massive, massive heroin addiction. May I never run across a golf course in Arizona naked thinking that demons are crawling over my skin...again). In my wanderings I discovered that Appetite for Destruction was released on July 21, 1987. Which makes this Saturday the 25th anniversary of the release of one of the more perfect albums ever crafted.
Now I was only eight years and one day old when Appetite was released, but that fall I definitely remember the buzz of the album. (Mainly in the form of the mini-controversy the older brother of one of my classmates caused when he wore the now famous skulls on the cross GNR t-shirt to school one day. It was as if Satan himself had come to teach religion class that day. The devil you say!) It wasn't until I was much older and could contextualize rock n roll, that the near perfection of that album struck me. With the iPod and digitalization of music, the concept of the album has faded a bit. For me a perfect album is one where all songs fit into a singular artistic vision, and the song order is such that you are not tempted to hit the shuffle. And for me Appetite is one of those albums where it all comes together. Yeah, I know that stadiums and "classic rock" have probably diminished the visceral impact of "Welcome to the Jungle" or "Paradise City" that existed when you first heard the song, but the songs that weren't played to death and chewed up still hold up and excel, especially "Mr. Brownstone"," Anything Goes" and "Rocket Queen." There's not a "skip" song in the bunch.
Of course, my musing about Appetite made me think of the other perfect or near-perfect albums I've heard over the years, and then as the afternoon became night and the bourbon flowed, I began to muse, like I do around this time of year, about perfection. Not whether it's achievable in this life, (it's not) but about how the pursuit of it, should drive us. As a staunch evolutionist, I feel there is a primordial need to be better, as if the destiny of the individual is hurled in perpetual motion towards constant improvement over time.
But then I get out of my head for a bit and go, "Damn, I need to come up with something funny for the newsletter this week, so the dozen or so of you who actually read this, don't come up to me, punch me in the stomach and said "NERD!""
So as we move closer to the playoffs here is one not-so-humble person's assessment of each team to date using a little thing I like to call: Good, Bad, Even Better Than the Real Thing:
Good: Hands out more post game awards for achievement than your typical kindergarten class, fostering team spirit and the comedy of having their poor captain attempt to say "Indefatigable" out loud every week without using the cadence of Monty Python's song from The Holy Grail movie.
Bad: Have yet to fully incorporate the psychological drama and desolation of Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness into their defensive rotation.
Even Better Than the Real Thing: The extended kickball game in a random French plantation somewhere in Indochina is not present in this edition of the Ninjas.
Pumped Up Kicks:
Good: Have allowed the GMOT editor to refer to Reebok Pumps on several occasions this season.
Bad: Unfortunately this has forced the GMOT editor to address some long repressed memories about that time he pleaded with his parental figures to get him a pair of Reebok Pumps when they first came out and were all the rage.
Even Better Than the Real Thing: The GMOT editor's therapist can now upgrade his cabin on the Queen Mary 2's next transatlantic voyage from New York to Southamption, to a room with an open bar!
Don't Come on My Base!
Good: Have shattered the Commonwealth Division record for games where members of the team have been in costume.
Bad: Have strained the GMOT editor's self control to not make crude adolescent jokes about the entendre behind the team's name, to the point where the next time he sees the ad and telephone number for the Elizabeth Grady Skin Care and Beauty Schools on the MBTA, he will die laughing. (1-800 Facials. COME ON)
Even Better Than the Real Thing: If the GMOT editor dies laughing, no more philosophical space filling rants to that display the awesome, awesome pictures by guest photographer Tim. Yay!
Dirty Mike and The Boys
Good: They have single handedly brought back the jort.
Bad: They have single handedly brought back the jort.
Even Better Than the Real Thing: They've allowed the GMOT editor to make a reference to Arrested Development by wondering if in fact they are all never-nudes who are bravely going where no never nude has gone before.
Looking to Bust Balls
Good: They still only looking to bust balls, and have not caused any testicular damage to anyone.
Bad: Testicular damage to anyone ever.
Even Better Than the Real Thing: Remembering the Simpsons episode where Academy Award winner George C. Scott starred in the Hans Moleman short film "Football to the Groin". "Ow my groin" gets me every time. Such gravitas!
We've Got the Runs
Good: Allows us all to ponder the benefits of a balanced diet high in fiber.
Bad: Makes the GMOT editor lazy by going to the well too often with poop jokes
Even Better Than the Real Thing: As least you know the jokes will be regular. (ZING!)
Kickin Nuggets
Good: Come with a wide variety of sauces
Bad: Unfortunately those sauces have high fructose corn syrup, which further enrages the GMOT editor in his long standing feud with the Corn lobby. (Damn you to hell Ethanol)
Even Better Than the Real Thing:Like a Happy Meal, you can never stop smiling when you hang out with them.
Good: They have had at least one player show up to every game.
Bad: You need minimum 8 players four males and four females for the games to count. D'oh!
Even Better Than the Real Thing: While they may be last in the standings and they will have the most chances (please be M&M's) in the drawing for Rivalry Challenge Week, they mark the sweet merciful end of this segment. And that makes us all winners!
Good: Come with a wide variety of sauces
Bad: Unfortunately those sauces have high fructose corn syrup, which further enrages the GMOT editor in his long standing feud with the Corn lobby. (Damn you to hell Ethanol)
Even Better Than the Real Thing:Like a Happy Meal, you can never stop smiling when you hang out with them.
Good: They have had at least one player show up to every game.
Bad: You need minimum 8 players four males and four females for the games to count. D'oh!
Even Better Than the Real Thing: While they may be last in the standings and they will have the most chances (please be M&M's) in the drawing for Rivalry Challenge Week, they mark the sweet merciful end of this segment. And that makes us all winners!
PART IV: "I live cement. I hate this street.Give dirt to me. I bite lament. This human form. Where I was born. I now repent." - Pixies
6:30pm Games
Kickin Nuggets 6 over Teleballin 3
The Teleballers took another L this week, but they didn't go down without a fight. We had a couple of players who debuted their talents for the first time this season, Mike D, Dan F, and Maria. I decided to interview Dan F after the game and he's what he had to say:
Me: What was it like hitting a home run at your first at bat?
Dan: I felt my team needed a spark and I was going to give my all to deliver it. The old adage, 'keep your eye on the ball' really helped me out.Me: What was like when you tried it the second time and got thrown out at home?
Dan: My hat's off to the fielder who made that play. I thought I was 'home-free' (pun intended) but they made a play on the ball and beat me by inches. Being that close to a second home run only encourages me
to do those extra windsprints after practice so next time it'll be a different outcome. At the end of the day I gave my best and that's all I can do.
Me: How did you decide on playing in loafers?
Dan: I find the broad, flat surface of my loafers allows me greater control on my ball placement. What I sacrifice in speed I believe I make up in accuracy. It's an unconventional decision, but one I stand by.
Me: How do you feel about the overall team experience?
Dan: I've been on a lot of teams but never one quite like the Teleballers. Everyone is supportive of one another and it's genuinely a "we - not me" attitude. I am happy to be part of it.
Me: Any advice you can give to future WAKA athletes?
Dan: When you're in the batters box, take a deep breath. Breathe. Get in the mindset that it's only you, the pitcher and the ball. Then just do what comes naturally.
Me: What was it like hitting a home run at your first at bat?
Dan: I felt my team needed a spark and I was going to give my all to deliver it. The old adage, 'keep your eye on the ball' really helped me out.Me: What was like when you tried it the second time and got thrown out at home?
Dan: My hat's off to the fielder who made that play. I thought I was 'home-free' (pun intended) but they made a play on the ball and beat me by inches. Being that close to a second home run only encourages me
to do those extra windsprints after practice so next time it'll be a different outcome. At the end of the day I gave my best and that's all I can do.
Me: How did you decide on playing in loafers?
Dan: I find the broad, flat surface of my loafers allows me greater control on my ball placement. What I sacrifice in speed I believe I make up in accuracy. It's an unconventional decision, but one I stand by.
Me: How do you feel about the overall team experience?
Dan: I've been on a lot of teams but never one quite like the Teleballers. Everyone is supportive of one another and it's genuinely a "we - not me" attitude. I am happy to be part of it.
Me: Any advice you can give to future WAKA athletes?
Dan: When you're in the batters box, take a deep breath. Breathe. Get in the mindset that it's only you, the pitcher and the ball. Then just do what comes naturally.
Words to live by. Words to live by.
Meghan contributed this interview. (Loafers!)
Ninjapocalypse Now 10 over Looking to Bust Balls 1
For the Ninjas, it was one of those games where everything went right. Against annual nemesis but all around good guy Ben K, the Ninjas were able to jump out early and hold the lead with solid kick, base running and defense. Indefatigabe Can of Spam winner Jon M, handled the pitching, holding LTBB to 1 run. Hadley won The Helment of The Horror for her alliterative feat of hitting an hRKI. Rick won the Medallion of Strength for his huge triple to open up the game in the fourth inning. The Ninja Aeronautical Space Suit went to Jackie for her efforts on the field and at the plate. And the Hand Drum of Destiny was awarded to Andrew M for huge offensive and defensive plays that set the tone.
As for LTBB, The Ninjas jumped on Looking To Bust Balls with 3 quick runs in the top of the first but LTBB answered with a run of their own in the bottom frame when Jamie’s sacrifice fly scored wifey Tara. Andrea and Ben were stranded on base though as the Ninjas held LTBB to just the one early run. Defenisvely, the Little General stood tall at third base while Justin and AJ made some nice grabs in the outfield to keep the score at 4-1 through 3 innings. However, it all came crashing down when the Ninjas put up a big five spot in the 4th en route to a 10-1 victory."
David and Jason contributed this report.
PART V:"But when your innocence dies. You'll find the blues. Seems all our heroes were born to lose." - Guns N' Roses
7:15pm Games
7:15pm Games
Pumped Up Kicks 2 tie Dirty Mike and The Boys 2
The full squad was back and ready for action this past Thursday for an epic defensive battle. Both teams played hard as DMTB took an early 2 run lead and was leading going into the top of the 4th. Pumped up Kicks battled back tying the game going into the bottom of the 5th. Costly base running mistakes caught three runners on third throughout a game where base runners came at a premium. 2 outs and runners on 1st and 2nd, a decent toe on the ball by Derek led to a crushing catch and 2-2 tie.
BDO contributed this report
Don't Come On My Base! 10 over We've Got the Runs 3
In order to distract our opponents, DCOMB arrived at week 6 in a way never seen before, with everyone wearing the WAKA-issued pink t-shirts. The unnatural unity produced a very strong showing as our front four all scored in order in the first inning. Between the shade
produced by an oversized third baseman and the humor of left field, the lead grew to ten runs going into the final at-bat. The smooth sailing was almost disrupted by a perfect storm in the fifth, but eventually the rally cap shenanigans were stopped at two runs. If the ance-off at the bar is any indicator of kickball talent, look for a serious throw-down next week between the team captains of DCOMB and Dirty Mike and the Boys.
As for We've Got the Runs, after a forfeit victory the previous week We've Got the Runs was hoping for the real thing against the pink team - Don't Come on My Base. Unfortunately for us we had no answer for their strategy of having everyone bunt and fell behind early. We had somewhat of a rally in the last inning but ultimately came up short. Defensively Tracy made a great catch in center field. Vivek played well at third base. Offensively Mike B almost was successful on the rare slide into first base. Tracy, Natalie, Brad, and Andrew all got on base.
produced by an oversized third baseman and the humor of left field, the lead grew to ten runs going into the final at-bat. The smooth sailing was almost disrupted by a perfect storm in the fifth, but eventually the rally cap shenanigans were stopped at two runs. If the ance-off at the bar is any indicator of kickball talent, look for a serious throw-down next week between the team captains of DCOMB and Dirty Mike and the Boys.
As for We've Got the Runs, after a forfeit victory the previous week We've Got the Runs was hoping for the real thing against the pink team - Don't Come on My Base. Unfortunately for us we had no answer for their strategy of having everyone bunt and fell behind early. We had somewhat of a rally in the last inning but ultimately came up short. Defensively Tracy made a great catch in center field. Vivek played well at third base. Offensively Mike B almost was successful on the rare slide into first base. Tracy, Natalie, Brad, and Andrew all got on base.
Erik and Sam contributed this report.
PART VI:"I never wanted to stand on your pedestal, man, I was born to build my own. " - The Hives
Equipment to the Field: Pumped Up Kicks
We've Got the Runs v. Ninjapocalypse Now
We've Got the Runs v. Ninjapocalypse Now
Referee: Dirty Mike and the Boys
Grass:Pumped Up Kicks v. Kickin' Nuggets'
Referee: Teleballin'
Dirty Mike and the Boys v. Don't Come on My Base!
Dirty Mike and the Boys v. Don't Come on My Base!
Referee: Pumped Up Kicks
Teleballin' v. Looking to Bust Balls
Referee: Ninjapocalypse Now
Teleballin' v. Looking to Bust Balls
Referee: Ninjapocalypse Now
Equipment to the Bar: Teleballin'
PART VII: "People tell me that it's a sin. To know and feel too much within. I still believe she was my twin, but then I lost the ring. She was born in spring, but I was born too late. Blame it all on a simple twist of fate." - Bob Dylan
Announcements, Announcements Announcements
SPECIAL THANKS: Special Thanks to Friend of Looking to Bust Balls, Tim who brought a real man's camera to the game to capture some of the stunning, stunning photos throughout this week's GMOT. View the entire album from last week here.
SUNLIGHT: Sunlight will become an issue soon. Remember games start 6:30 and 7:15pm. There is a 15 minute grace period for the first game. But there is only a 5 minute grace period for the second game.
PHOTOS: If you think you can do better than Tim, or even if you don't, please take pictures at the games and send them to me. Thank you
BOCA BAR: Where Flip Cup Dreams live. Come to Boca!
TWITTER: @Macommonealth it's the place on the internet where you can enjoy Paul's lesser, more gradual descent into madness.
PHOTOS: If you think you can do better than Tim, or even if you don't, please take pictures at the games and send them to me. Thank you
BOCA BAR: Where Flip Cup Dreams live. Come to Boca!
TWITTER: @Macommonealth it's the place on the internet where you can enjoy Paul's lesser, more gradual descent into madness.
PART VIII: "one last breath. the sky is high. the hungry earth. the empty vein. the ashes rain. death's own bed. man's own kin. into the wind. one last breath. hole in life. love knot tied. braid undone. child born. the hollow horn. warrior cried. a warrior died. one last breath. lick of flame. spirit moaned. spirit shed.the heavens fed. man's own kin. grips the sky. and he's gone again" - Patti Smith
The original Matrix is one of those movies that packs a lot in that many people miss. For me when Agent Smith talk about how when the machines first used humans as their power source, the human mind could not accept a perfect world, and millions died. As human we are not meant to be perfect. But that does not mean we cannot constantly strive towards that goal. Whether it is together as a team on the march towards Immortal Kickball Glory, or an individual passing another milestone in life, the journey towards perfection is the best we can hope for. And honestly that is the only perfect way to be.
Good luck, happy kicking!
The original Matrix is one of those movies that packs a lot in that many people miss. For me when Agent Smith talk about how when the machines first used humans as their power source, the human mind could not accept a perfect world, and millions died. As human we are not meant to be perfect. But that does not mean we cannot constantly strive towards that goal. Whether it is together as a team on the march towards Immortal Kickball Glory, or an individual passing another milestone in life, the journey towards perfection is the best we can hope for. And honestly that is the only perfect way to be.
Good luck, happy kicking!
-David, GMOT Editor