The Award Winning Official Newsletter of the MA Commonwealth Division
"I'm just a kickball player, I suppose" - Avon Barksdale
WEEK 7: Starry, starry night. Paint your palette blue and gray. Look out on a summer's day. With eyes that know the darkness in my soul. - Don McLean
Table of Contents:
III: Recaps
IV: Schedule and Standings
V: Announcements
VI: Color me bad
PART I: "We expected something, something better than before. We expected something more. Do you really think you can just put it in a safe behind a painting lock it up and leave? Do you really think you can just put it in a safe behind a painting lock it up and leave? Walk away now and you're gonna start a war." - The National
After tonight's games, the drawing for rivalry challenge week will occur. This weighted lottery will determine the week 8 schedule. Be at the Boca Bar tonight to witness the greatest lottery ever (in the history of the MA Commonwealth division, that is).
This is how it will work. In a weighted lottery, teams will have the number of beans in a jar that corresponds with their position in the standings (standings after tonight's games). 8th place team will have 8, 7th place team, 7 etc. A bean will be picked and that team will get to pick their opponent for week 8. The captain of the challenged team will select the time and field. We'll continue until all the match ups are filled. Umpires will be selected based on how the lottery works out. Then we will drink and the trash talking (and hopefully bean eating) will begin.
PART II: I just got my paycheck.I'm gonna paint the whole town grey. Whether it's a night in Paris or a Fresno matinee." - Warren Zevon
Where: Hong Kong - Harvard Square
Time: 7-10pm
Free for Registered WAKA Members. $5 for Guests!
For more information, check here.
PART III:" Ya know I'd like to shave your head, and all my friends could paint it red. 'Cause love to me is a two way street, and all I really want is peace." - Guns N Roses
6:30 PM Games
Looking to Score 7 over WAKA Flocka Flame 2
LTS, no doubt inspired by their new Puma kicks, got off to a strong start versus WFF. Chris led off the game with a single and came around to score the first run on a Kramer triple. Kramer came in on a Jay P single to make it 2-0 after one inning. Jay K kicked a solo shot in the 2nd to make it 3-0.
The game’s biggest rally started in the 3rd due to Game MVP Leland and her one out triple. Chris singled her in and then Kramer brought him in on a double. Jay P’s second hit and second RBI of the day brought in Kramer to make it 6-0 after 3. Christian’s sac fly scored Mike C and made it 7-0. Lauren and Richard also had good days, both going 2 for 2 at the dish.
BDO’s bid for a shutout was spoiled by a fourth inning moonshot by WFF. One more run in the last frame made the final 7-2.
In the biggest turn around in kickball player history (there's gotta be a source for this somewhere), WAKA Flocka Flames' lovable player Clark, who has unfortunately been benched for most of the season due to an injury, scored a game-changing home run. Okay, perhaps it wasn't game changing, but it was pretty excellent to watch him circle all of the bases as fast as he possibly could given his injury, while Looking To Score continued to fumble with the ball. Because of this act of awesomeness, this weeks MVP goes to Clark. Another home run was scored by our MVP of last week - Johnny!
Jason of Last Team Standing and Ilana of Waka Flocka Flame contributed this report.
Patrick scored the Ball Busters fourth run (incidentally the winning run) in the third or fourth inning on Dan's sacrifice fly. In that same inning in the bottle half there was a strange play at third. It appears that Josh slide SO HARD into third that he was temporarily stuck on the base even though he was called out. It was truly strange. The umpire
After the first inning, the Ball Busters clamped down and showed why they've been winning all season and started making defensive plays. Richie caught a fly out to right and then pegged one of 99s players in the dome as he was trying to dive back into first. Sliding means you can hit in the head and Richie could smell blood in the water.
In the bottom of the fifth Max threw in a relay to Tom and they were able to get one of 99s players out on a very close play at home plate to preserve the lead. Marty caught the final play of the game and now finally 99 Problems (Carescout) knows the agony of defeat!
Tom of Ball Busters contributed to this report.
7:15 Games
Ninja Awesomenauts 6 over Pitch Please! 3
Paul of NASA wrote this report
Unfortunately the Kreamers had a sad turn out. We only had 8 players. Props to the 2 girls that showed, Lauren D and Meghan S. We ultimately had to forfeit but played anyways. Even though the Kreamers were lacking in numbers, they were still boasting with talent. The Kreamers overcame the green team 7-0.
Meghan of The Boston Kreamers contributed this report.
PART IV:"I'll subtract pain by ounces.Yeah, I will start painting houses.If things come alive" - Interpol
Schedule Week 7: Thursday, July 28
6:30 PM
Mud Dirt:The Boston Kreamers v. 99 Problems
Referees: Pitch Please!
Grass: Ninja Awesomenauts v.Looking to Score
Referees: WAKA Flocka Flame
7:15 PM
Referees: 99 Problems
Grass: Ball Busters v. WAKA Flocka Flame
Referees:Ninja Awesomenauts
Equipment:Ball Busters
PART V:"Brick Squad Waka Flocka Flame its fuckin on! I go hard in the muhfuckin paint " - Waka Flocka Flame (The Real One)
Announcements, Announcements Announcements
SUNLIGHT: As we move deeper into July and August, the sun will start to become an issue at Lowell Playground. Teams and umpires participating in the 6:30 games please start on time or enforce the 15 minute rule (If a team doesn't have the requisite players, a forfeit will be called 15 minutes after the scheduled start.) This is critical so the second games can be played in the best and safest lighting conditions.
PHOTOS: If you have anything to contribute to the GMOT, storys, poems, crude drawnings (emphasis on crude) pictures, please send them along to this address. We are always looking forany ideas. Sadly, no Victorian softcore pornography allowed, even under the guise of vampire fiction.
PHOTOS: If you have anything to contribute to the GMOT, storys, poems, crude drawnings (emphasis on crude) pictures, please send them along to this address. We are always looking for
TWITTER: Follow the league twitter account for all you twatters out there. Get the latest news and information about the MA Commonwealth Division (including stuff about rivalry week) from our twitter feed. Follow us @macommonwealth
BOCA BAR: With only a few more weeks left in our season, lets blow out the BOCA as thanks for their support throughout the year.
WEATHER: Aw crap. I don't know.
PART VI: "I see a red door and I want it painted black. No colors anymore I want them to turn black. I see the girls go by dressed in their summer clothes. I have to turn my head until my darkness goes" - The Rolling Stones
Despite the resplendent colors of summer, the darkness of fall is coming. With that means many things. Kids go back to school. Football and eventually hockey. Old people return to Florida and young people return from vacation.
For us, the gloaming of the playoffs are upon us. After tonight and next week's Rivalry Challenge week, the playoffs are upon us. The road to Immortal Kickball Glory is about to begin. For one team it will be painted gold. For the rest it will be stained with the tears of bitter defeat. One team will walk through the red door, for the rest it will be painted black.
For us, the gloaming of the playoffs are upon us. After tonight and next week's Rivalry Challenge week, the playoffs are upon us. The road to Immortal Kickball Glory is about to begin. For one team it will be painted gold. For the rest it will be stained with the tears of bitter defeat. One team will walk through the red door, for the rest it will be painted black.
Good luck and Happy Kicking.
- David, GMOT Editor
- David, GMOT Editor