Thursday, May 26, 2011

Kickstart Our Hearts - Rules Clinic and Scrimmage Tonight

MA Commonwealth Summer League Rules Clinic and Pick Up Game Tonight!

Whether you are a kickball veteran, or haven't touched a big red balls since you were clad in OshKosh (by Gosh), come join us tonight for a rules clinic and scrimmage. Followed as always by time at the Boca Bar!

Lowell Playground
6:30pm - Tonight!

Friday, May 06, 2011

Y'ar She Blows! A Kickball Season Ahead

Now as children we learned that April showers, bring May flowers, and that May flowers bring Pilgrims. (And a lot of strife for our Native American cousins). But now in 2011, our April showers bring May Kickball.

The 2011 MA Commonwealth Season starts June 2.

But before the balls start a kicking, there are some pre-season meetups and hangouts. Come join us and start the season on the right foot (or left foot if that is your inclination). 

Thursday, May 12 - Pre-Season Mixer at Boca Bar 
Thursday, May 12 - $10 late registration fee added for players who sign up after this date.
Thursday, May 26 - Pick Up Game/Meet and Greet at Boca Bar
Thursday, June 2 - Season Starts