Thursday, July 23, 2009

Ghost Man on Third: Week 7

Ghost Man on Third
"The suspense of kickball is terrible. I hope it will last." - Oscar Wilde

Week 7 - "Broken glass and cigarettes. Writin' on the wall. It was a bargain for the summer. And I thought I had it all."

Table of Contents

II - The LA Stones would have been a terrible name
III - 6:30 Game Recaps
IV - 7:15 Game Recaps
V - Standings and Schedule
VI - Announcements
VII - Patience is not just a cool stripper's name, but it's a virtue too.

PART I - "You don't know why. I won't give in. To hell with the pressure. I'm not cavin' in."

The regular season winds down this week, and next week begins the most exciting part of the entire season: THE PLAYOFFS.

Every team will be in the playoffs. Each team is seeded by their point totals. If a team has the same number of points, wins will be the first tie breaker. If two teams have the same number of wins, then run differential will break the tie.

Next Thursday, July 28th, (weather permitting) will be Round 1. Below is the schedule for that round by seed.

6:30 pm games

Diamond = #2 vs. #7 Ref: #5
Grass = #3 vs. #6 Ref: #8

7:15 pm games

Diamond = #1 vs. #8 Ref: #6
Grass = #4 vs. #5 Ref: #7

The final standings and the complete Round 1 schedule will be posted on the GMOT Blog on Friday the 24th, and in next week's newsletter. That's What She Said will be the 8th seed. Every other team has the possibility of flipping positions depending upon the outcome of Week 8's games. So please check either this blog/newsletter or with your team captain so you know what time to be at Lowell Field on Thursday the 28th.

The Semifinals and Championship Games will take place on August 6.

- At 6:30 pm there will be two games.
- The highest remaining seed will face the lowest remaining seed on the Diamond.
- The 2nd highest remaining seed will face the second lowest remaining seed on the Grass.
- Immediately after the completion of those two games, the winners will face off on the Diamond for the League Title.
- If your team is eliminated in the first round, you may be required to referee one of the semi-final or finals games. Referees will be determind after Round 1 from the eliminated teams.
- All League members are encouraged to attend the League Championship (and the post-game celebration at the Boca Bar)
- Also, in playoff kickball there are no ties. Games do go into extra innings. Since there are no lights at Lowell Playground it is essential that going forward games start on time, as losing sunlight will become an issue as the weeks progress. We don't want the Championship game called on account of gloaming.

If you have any questions, feel free to email Brian Sweetser or myself.

PART II -"If my intentions are misunderstood. Please be kind. I've done all I should. I won't ask of you. What I would not do."

Invariably in life we find ourselves waiting for something. The slow steady march of time does not always bend to the wills and desires of impetuous emotion. Especially in this day and age where information is available at the speed of light nearly everywhere on this planet, we have become accustomed to instant gratification, and when something doesn't happen, or we do not receive what we want in the fastest most efficient manner possible, we get just a little cranky. Our ability to be patient is eroding faster than the information we seek and the satisfaction we crave.

One of the most influential movies in my childhood was the 1971 version of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Every summer my local library would have a summer program, including movies, trips to the Zoo and reading contests, etc. The highlight for me was when they would show that classic, staring Gene Wilder in all his sardonic glory. Though the film was panned by critics, upon its release, it has become a cult favorite, mainly because of the legions of children
who've been drawn to that adaptation of of Roald Dahl's moral tale. As an adult, I've learned to appreciate the movie even more, whether it be for the copious literary references, or the inside joke when Wonka unlocks the musical lock, he plays Mozart, but Mike TeeVee's mom says assuredly, "Rachmoninoff."

As I was contemplating what band to use for this week's GMOT, two Willy Wonka themed references stuck in my mind. The first is the infamous song sung by l'enfant terrible, Veruca Salt, who entreaties her enabling father to buy her a golden goose that lays golden eggs. When Wonka refuses to be bought, she launches into a song and dance tantrum, ending with the line "I WANT IT NOW!" as the educated egg-dicator dumps her down the garbage chute. The moral lesson is rather obvious, but as that scene played in my head I thought of Wonka's earlier line as he stood on the banks of the chocolate river, waiting for poor Augustus Gloop to be dislodged from the pipe to the fudge room by the pressure behind him, "The suspense is killing me. I hope it will last." Wonka is paraphrasing the
infamous playwright Oscar Wilde, who in only the way a genius can, summed up the deliciousness of anticipation. (I will now pause for a moment for you Carly Simon fans to sing. I'm looking in your way Eat Drums!!! HA!)

That's when what band to use struck me. Guns N' Roses. In my formative years there were two active bands that towered over the rest, U2 and GNR. U2 attracted me because there was something deeply spiritual to their music, and GNR because there was something primal and dangerous. But since the release of Use Your Illusion II, GNR went through a tremendous transformation as the combustible genius that gave birth to three of the greatest albums of my lifetime, tore the band apart.

For a little less than half my life time, I ,along with much of the music world, have waited for that album. For many, Chinese Democracy had become a running joke, and there was even on online betting site that had a bet going "which would come first, the album, or actual democracy in China?" When it was finally released in November of 2008, it was the longest anticipated album ever, but that was not a good think. The suspense had become too long, too terrible, and opinion had turned. A half generation expection the album to sound like GNR of 1987-1991, were probably disappointed. No, Chinese Democracy did not capture the magic of the Axl, Slash, Duff, Izzy, Steven/Matt GNR, but that is almost an impossible standard. Chinese Democracy is a great album, containing songs that you don't hear much anymore, and after countless listens was for me definitely worth the wait. So for that, Chinese Democracy will grace this humble newsletter.

PART III -"If the world would end today. All the dreams we had. would all just drift away. You know there's nothing more to say. If the world would end and our love slipped away."

6:30 pm
Diamond: Waltham United v. That's What She Said 0

Statiscians, Scholars, and for some odd reason Latvian Othodox Theologians, have been arguing over the final result of the first game of last week between Waltham United. How many runs did Waltham United score? Since the computers at NASA were too busy celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Moon Landing (among other chronological achievements) this past week, the only agreed upon answer is 'A lot."

For a game that was almost the league's first double forfeit, it turned into a laugher. Waltham United started with a rochambeau victory, elected to bat
first, and never looked back. In what was a near perfect display of placement kicking, Waltham United shredded the spunky, yet undermanned and overwhelmed TWSS defense. Seemingly every kicked ball went where no TWSS defender was. The star of the game was Andy J, who started the rout with a bases clearing single in the first, followed by a 3-run bomb in the second.

Despite the slaughter, TWSS' spirtis were not darkened. The effort was there, as evidenced by the great catches by Anita, the hustle outs by Brian, and the dogged determination of Melissa, Rusty and Sarah Jane. But as it happens in life, the day and victory simply belonged to Waltham United, cause That's What She Said.

Jocelyn Coffey and Nick Floyd contributed to this report.

Grass: - Last Team Standing 2 v. Alcoballics -1

In what could be a preview of a first round playoff matchup, LTS took on the highly game Alcoballics. Mike F knocked a two-run homer in the first, driving in Mike C and LTS jumped to a quick 2-0 league. However, unlike previous Alcoballics games, this early lead did not cause a late inning collapse. Behind the solid pitching of Brian S, the Alcoballics defense tightened, stifling the LTS
offense for the rest of the game.

However, LTS' Ben K was up to the challenge as well, as matched Sweeter roll for roll, suffering a hiccup in the third, as Yohanna scored for the Ballics cutting the lead to 2-1. Ben K faltered a bit in the bottom of the fifth as the Ballics managed one last stand. But after a base-running gaffe by the Ballics ended the game, when the dust settled, it LTS were the Last Team Standing both existentially and in actuality.

Jason Kivela and Brian Sweetser contributed to this report.

PART IV - "Half the time you never win, Nomads or barbarians."

7:30 Games

Diamond: Allen Club 3 v. East Coast Animals 3

In late season matchup of what were at the time the top 2
seeds, the ECA and Allen Club fought to a draw.

This game was a seesaw battle as ECA at first jumped out to a 2-0 lead in the top of the first. However, the great fielding of All-Star Boatman Dennis and pitcher turned outfielder Tim, stalled the ECA offense. With timely kicking as artful as placing Pepperoni on your Papa Roni pizza from Papa Gino's, Pirate Olson, Bar Navigator Andrea Maruzzi, Courtney and Christmas Tree hung three runs on the ECA defense.

Both defenses traded blows but neither faltered as the score held 3-2 going into the 5th inning. After several early season foul outs, Peter P came through for the ECA by getting on. Then he was advanced to third, on a bang-bang play at the base that went the way of ECA. E-dogg, Ethan F, then delivered the worm-burner heard round the world up the middle of the Allen Club defense allowing Peter to score with the tying run.

The ECA defense then held serve, with some clutch defense at first by Ethan F, and ECA held onto the draw with Allen Club. With both teams earning one point, Last Team Standing was able to leap over the Allen Club for second in the standings.

Allen Club captain Joshua was fit to be tied by the result, but was happily munching on the latest from Papa Ginos and was not available for comment. Beleagured ECA Captain Ryan C was ebullient though, and shouted slogans indicating his teams anticipation for the playoffs.

Joshua Allen and Ryan Cummings contributed to this report

Grass: Eat Drums!!! 5 vs. Ball Busters 1

On a mission to recapture some of last season's glory Eat Drums!!! faced an old nemesis in the Ball Busters, a team which last year staged a late comeback took them to the brink in extra innings in the league semifinals.

Ball Busters struck first, as
Ritchie scored on a kick by Jamie D staking the Ball Busters to a 1-0 lead.

Ed led off the Eat Drums!!! half of the first with a single and moved to third on a bunt hit by Jen K. Isaac then lined out to third, and as the defense tried to get the runner going back to first, Ed came in to score the equalizer.

The next half-inning saw
Paul lead off with a bunt hit. He moved to third on a single by Christie, and scored on another single by Jeff, as Eat Drums took a 2-1 advantage - one they would not

Despite missing team Captain Shoeless Tom Caddigan, the Ball Busters fought hard defensively, lead by the Coen brothers, Jennie, Mel, Tara, Ritchie and Adam. The game held at 2-1 until the fourth.

Eat Drums Captain Isaac led off with a single and advanced to second on a single by Mike. After a fielder's choice forced Isaac out at third, Paul kicked in Mike, making the score 3-1. One out later,
Jeff came up big with a clutch hit up the middle, scoring Jen E and Paul and giving Eat Drums!!! a 5-1 lead.

Paul pitched his third inning of the game in the fifth to clinch the win for Eat Drums. Excellent pitching by Paul, Jen K, and Josh (now Swine Flu free!) and what started off as a pitcher's duel ended in a 5-1 Eat Drums!!! victory.

The Ball Busters showed much better at the bar, where they demolished the Alcoballics in flip cup, and then lost a close round to an unnamed team in Red.

Isaac Gerofsky, Josh Bob and Tom Caddigan contributed to this report.

PART V - "Sometimes I feel like. The world is on top of me. Breaking me down with An endless monotony. Sometimes I feel like there's nothing that's stopping me. All things are possible. I am unstoppable"

Standings and Schedule

#1 East Coast Animals 5-0-2, +20, 12 points
#2 Last Team Standing 5-1-1, +23, 11 points
#3 Allen Club 4-0-3 +12, 11 points
#4 Eat Drums!!! 4-3-0, -1, 8 points
#5 Waltham United 3-4-0, +17, 6 points
#6 Ball Busters 1-4-2, -19, 4 points
#7 Alcoballics 1-5-1, -8, 3 points
#8 That's What She Said 0-6-1, -43, 1 point

Schedule for Playoff Round 1, July 28, 2009 - Seeds are determind by Week 8 results.

6:30 pm games

Diamond = #2 vs. #7 Ref: #5
Grass = #3 vs. #6 Ref: #8

7:15 pm games

Diamond = #1 vs. #8 Ref: #6
Grass = #4 vs. #5 Ref: #7

PART VI - "Gonna call the President. Gonna get myself a Private Eye. Gonna need the IRS. Gonna get the FBI. Gonna make this a federal case. Gonna wave it right down in your face. Read it baby with your morning news. With a sweet hangover and the headlines too."


WEATHER: At this point, any desire I had to be a meteorologist has gone. One website says
cloudy. One says chance of rain. One says okay day. Anyway, prepare to play, and check your email just in case Mother Nature decides otherwise.

BOCA: After this week, and next week, we only have one week left at the Boca Bar. This saddens me as they have been wonderful partners for our league now for nearly two full seasons. So please, thank them for their support with your patronage. Where else can you get cutting edge Costa Rican cuisine (with plantains I'd probably sell family members for) and play flip cup?

END OF SEASON PARTY: My sources tell me that our budget for this party is going to be quite large. $ = Awesomeoness. Stay tuned for details.

CHARITY: Our charity for this season is Saturday's Bread/Sunday's Bread. Check our their website for information on how you can help, and stay tuned for the MA CommonwealthLeague's efforts to assist this noble and worthy cause.

PHOTOS: If anyone has any photos they would like to see in the newsletter, or any other questions, comments, concerns, insults etc. you can reach me at this
address. Special thanks to Jeff Federico from Eat Drums!!! for shooting the Last Team Standing vs. Alcoballics game.

CAPTAINS: As the regular season winds down, I'd like to give special thanks to all the team captains and their various stand-ins. This newsletter would not be possible without them, nor would the league be possible without their leadership. Thank you, Jason, Joshua, Jocelyn, Ryan, Nick, Brian, Isaac, Tom, Holly, Maria, Jason and Josh.

PART VII - "Forgive them that tear down my soul. And bless them that they might grow old.And free them so that they may know. That it's never too late."

The wait is almost over. I feel like it's been fourteen years, but it's only been a few weeks. We've grown from strangers to friends, multi-colored individuals to a team colored in kickballian red, and the end is almost upon us. The playoffs are next week. So stay tuned as we reach the culimination of a lot of effort, fun, and good times.

However, Week 8 is not unimportant. There is still much positioning up for grabs.

With an ECA win, they will clinch the #1 seed. However, they are facing Eat Drums!!! who are looking to remain above .500 and clinch 4th place with a victory. However if Eat Drums were to lose, and Waltham United were to win then those teams would flip based on run differential. With a win or tie and a Ball Busters loss, Alcoballics could jump into 6th spot. Last Team Standing could slip into the #1 seed if the ECA loses and LTS wings over the BallBusters. Allen Club too is eyeing the top spot, and with a win, an ECA loss (or tie, if Allen Club beats That's What She Said by 9 runs) and a Last Team Standing loss, could sneak in to the top slot.

Today's slate of games are just an appetizer for the Playoffs. With so much up for grabs, the anticipation is terrible and addictive. I can only hope that it lasts.

- David, That's What She Said