Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Important News from League Representative Brian Sweetser

The season is underway and everyone seems to be having a blast, but there 
are a couple of things that need to be reiterated.

A few things to know about kickball at Lowell Field:

 1. For cleats - do not wear metal cleats as they ruin the fields. Plastic 
or rubber
cleats are fine.

 2. Drinking with open containers is against the law in MA and not
permitted on the fields. If you or your team is caught participating in
this behavior, you will receive a penalty (you will automatically forfeit). 
Please note that police do
patrol this area. All drinking should be taking place at Boca Bar. We got a 
lot of complaints about people drinking on the field last week and I was 
informed by the parks department that if this happens again, we lose our 
field permits and our season is over. Therefore, there should be no 
cans/bottles/cases of alcohol on the field at all. I hate to be the bearer 
of bad news but we don't want our season to end after 3 weeks.

3.No Public urination

4. Please respectful to all the residents and patrons that are in this area.

If any issues arise
please find myself or a division board player. In addition, please clean up 
all trash after your games.

5.All rules can be found on kickball.com and each team
received a scorebook on opening day with the rules inside. Please take a 
moment to read them!

All it takes is one kickballer to do any of the above things and we will
lose the kickball fields, so thank you in advance for your help!
Most of these are okay, my emphasis is on number 2. There is no more drinking on Lowell Field. If any teams are seen drinking they will forfeit the game, at which point you can finish out the game if your alcohol is removed from the field, but will still count as a forfeit. If there is a second offense, you will forfeit that game and will not be allowed to participate in the division tournament at the end of the season. Thank you for your immediate attention to this urgent matter.
Now that I've said that, I'll see you all on Thursday for another fun filled week of kickball!