Ghost Man on Third
"Money doesn't grow on trees. Neither do kickballs"
Week Three: "How does lemur skin reflect the sea?"
Table of Contents:
I: Stix with Me Baby, Things Are Gonna Get Interesting Right About Now
II: Two Famous Rivers of the Ancient World, I Mean Two Important Things
III: 6:30 Game Recaps
IV: 7:15 Game Recaps
V: Standings and Schedule
VI: Announcements
VII: Subterranean Fireplace Blues
PART I: With your feet in the air and your head on the ground/Try this trick and spin it, yeah/
Your head will collapse/If there's nothing in it And you'll ask yourself/ Where is my mind?
Life, whether in the grand context of humanity, or in its absurdly fun microcosm of our kickball world, is defined by change. Stasis is temporary, as we move from birth to maturation to our eventual demises, or week 1, midseason, and finally our championship extravaganza. In the blink of a lemur's eye, our little league has moved from the "getting to know you" stage into the heart of the regular season.
With this idea of change rattling around the smoking crater that is my mind, I keep coming back to this week's band of the week. As I'm sure we've all experienced, the teenaged years were ones of great tumult and contradictions. Awkwardness, acne, apathy, acceptence, acclimation, adulthood, apprehension, and awful apparel choices swirled around us as our hormones, bodies, and lives began a period of tremendous change and upheaval. My own period of pubescence generally coincided with the explosion of grunge upon the music scene with Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" at the anthemic vanguard. I remember the first time I heard that song as a teenager, and feeling some deep spiritual resonance lost in the maelstrom of my red-blooded American teenaged-male rage. While my life did not necessarily change hearing that song. Yes, I was still awkward, acned, apatheic, apprehensive, acclimatizing, accepting, adolescent and making truly awful apparel choices (Skidz, WTF were we thinking?) but now I had a soundtrack that made sense and well rocked.
To thank for this gift of music, I look towards our band of the week; The Pixies. Wait, you are thinking "but Smells like Teen Spirit was written by Nirvana", and yes that is correct. However, to quote Cobain from a Rolling Stone interview, "I was trying to rip off the Pixies." In fact, one of the riffs of "Smells Like Teen Spirit" is eerily similar to the riff of the Pixies song "UMass."
The Pixies are my favorite Boston band (sorry Aerosmith and the Murphys). Absurdist and esoteric lyrics, sounds that range from soft whispers to raging snarls, whose dualing contrast epitomize the idea of change to me. So there you have it, the Pixies, Change We Deserve! (My apologies, Mr. President)
PART II: Hey Paul, Paul, Paul, Let's have a Ball. Gigantic, Gigantic, Gigantic, A Big Big Love!
Now normally I would introduce the band of the week in this section. However, I've changed things up a bit, since I've already introduced the band of the week in Part I. Tricky, I know.
This week's Part II is to highlight two important League Things:
WAKA is not just fun and games. There is also a strong commitment to the greater community, and it offers a chance to payback the society we live in that allows us to enjoy the weekly frivolity of kicking a large red ball, drinking copious amounts of potent potables, and eating the delicious fare at the Boca Bar. Every year the league picks out one charity to assist for the season. This year our league Charity Chairman, Richard Wheeler of That's What She Said, has chosen Saturday's Bread/Sunday's Bread.
This organization has been provided hot, nutritous meals to less fortunate men, women and children of Boston for over twenty five years. In these difficult economic times, the hardship for the least fortunate is even greater, and the men and women dedicated to service need all the assistance they can get.
As the season progresses, Richard will be guiding our league's outreach to this worthwhile charity. Stay tuned, and please visit their website to see how you can help now.
Which brings me to the second important notice: The MIDSEASON PARTY!
WAKA is not all charity and kickball either. It's another reason to put on your party clothes (hopefully ones not awkwardly chosen during one's teenaged years...Z Cavaricci's, c'mon what were we thinking??) and let loose. My sources tell me that the party is in the works, with location, time and date close to be determined. However, I can say that based on last year's MIDSEASON PARTY, this year's will be one of the greatest times you've ever experienced. Actually, you should probably just go ahead and clear your social calender for the entire month of June. You do not want to miss this event.
PART III: she's like jellyroll like sculpture i was wearing eyeliner she was wearing eyeliner it was so good down here saving for my scrapbook here way down down down in this subbacultcha
East Coast Animals - 8 v. Alcoballics 3
In our first matchup of the week, an undefeated team the East Coast Animals faced off against the winless yet no longer anonymous Alcoballics, in what turned out to be a hard fought game.
ECA got on the board first with a RBI munt by team captain Ryan. Yet the Alcoballics, having acquired names, used the smart basing running and timely hitting of Erin, Caitlin and Twombly to stake the Ballics to a 3-1 lead. However ECA climbed back on top using what has become their trademark, staunch defense, exemplified by a stupendous catch by Sarah Jones, and steller offense, lead by Trish and Carm. (Despite "desperately missing Kevin" and an unfortunate four-foul whiff by Peter.) All in all it was a well-rounded effort with contributions by Lauren, Britten, Maria, Dre and Pisani that accounted for 7 runs over the final three innings, whilst stiflying the Alcoballics offense to account for the final 8-3 victory. This allowed ECA to remain undefeated and kept the Alcoballics searching for their first win.
"We wanted names first. Next comes the win." said formerly unknown Alcoballic captian Brian S. "[After we went ahead] their pitching and defense went up a couple of notches. I'm thinking another heartbreaking loss is going to end up changing our team name to something of a bit more serious problem, but we're all having fun!"
ECA Captain Ryan C, could not be reached for comment, as apparently despite the undefeated start, something is fishy in the state of ECA-land. It seems a rival by the nom de guerre of "Mr. Awesome" aka Thomann, attempted a bloodless coup. Upset over either lack of bread or playing time, revolutionaries shouting the slogan of Mr. Awesome, "I am awesome to the infinity power" pushed for the resignation of ECA captain Ryan C. The beleagured captain (for now) retired to the Boca Bar to contemplate "the exponential power of infinity".
In an effort to regain popular support, captain Ryan lead his loyalists to the Boca Bar, where they again pitted their alcohol consuming acumen against the Green Team. Here the beleagured Ryan, not only lacked a cool nom de guerre like "Mr. Awesome", but suffered another defeat as the "Green Team" outlasted them. If still in power this week, ECA promises they will defeat the Green Team "by the start of the rainy season, or at least Week 4."
Stay tuned.
Ryan C. and Brian S contributed to this report.

Allen Club scored a run in the bottom half of the first, as Andrea scored on a sacrifce fly by

Allen Club - 2 v. Eat Drums!!! 0
In what is can only be described by someone in the pizza business as a "hot oven" game, Eat Drums squared off against undefeated Allen Club. Looking to bring their record over .500, Eat Drums!!! found themselves locked in yet another pitcher's duel.
The game started promising for Eat Drums, as Paige L. started the game off with a single and moved to second 2 outs later on a bunt single by Jen E. Jen K placed a solid bunt down the third base line but the throw beat Paige to the bag by inches.
Allen Club scored a run in the bottom half of the first, as Andrea scored on a sacrifce fly by
Timmy S. Solid pitching by Paul, Josh, and Jen K, and good defensive play from Isaac, Jeff, and Mike kept the game close for Eat Drums, yet they were unable to dent the Allen Club defense.
Eat Drum did have their chances, as Paige, Jen E, Andrew M, April, and Rob were all able to get singles, but solid defensive play lead by Joshua A, kept the Drums off the board.
In the bottom of the 4th, Hannah reached base on a single, and after getting moved to third, Timmy S hit another sacrifice fly for the all important insurance run. The Allen Club retired Eat Drums 1-2-3 in the top of the 5th for the victory.
Tim S and Hannah were Allen Club's "Papa Gino's Players of the Game." According to Team Captain Joshua A, "Why be good, when you can be great, kinda like a Papa Gino's PapaRoni, now with 50% more cheese and pepperoni."
Yes, why not indeed.
Josh B. Isaac G. and Joshua A contributed to this report.
PART IV: as loud as hell /a ringing bell /behind my smile/ it shakes my teeth /and all the while /as vampires feed/ i bleed
Waltham United - 9 v. Ball Busters -1
In a matchup that would be the pride of Nobel Prize winner Al Gore, the lime green clad warriors of Waltham United defeated the kelly green clad Ball Busters 9-1. Lead by the solid pitching of Jason D, Jon and Andy, the WU defense overpowered the Ball Busters offense, who seemingly bought into this green movement a bit too much and decided to conserve runs for future games.
Waltham United on the other hand treated run scoring like China
treats carbon emissions, and went to town. A base clearing 3 run triple by Brandon "Brando" B lead the attack, supported by 2 RBIs by Andy J, and an RBI single by Kate W among others. "Brando" also made a rainforest raping grab along the left field foul line that put any hopes of a Ball Busters comeback into the recycling bin.
"It wasn't our best showing." said a terse Ball Buster captain, "Shoeless" Tom C. "We will bring it on Thursday." One can only hope he means run scoring, and not a solar-powered radio to play the Ball Buster's walk up music on.
Tom C and Jason D contributed to this report.
Last Team Standing - 10 v. That's What She Said - 0
Despite the fact this turned out to be the second laugher in the 7:15 time slot, this game started strongly for TWSS. Nicole lead off with a triple only to be stranded on third.
Then the onslaught began. LTS jumped out in front thanks to Ben K delivering a 2 run double that scored Jay P and Mike M. Ben D followed Ben K with a run scoring hit and came around to score on a Nick P hit that put LTS ahead 4-0 after the 1st. In the bottom of the second Jay K came around to score on what was initially ruled an error,
however Casey H was pleasantly persistent and convinced the scorer to change his mind and award her with her first RBI of the season. Leading 5-0, the top of the order quartet struck again in the 3rd with Jay P coming around to score on a Mike M hit, which was followed by The Bens each knocking a run in to expand the lead to 8-0. Mike F drove in Jay K and came around to score to finish the scoring for the evening.
A spectacular catch by TWSS' Anthony was the only other bright spot of what was otherwise a dreary game from That's What She Said.
"We just got beat, cause That's What She Said." quipped TWSS captain Joceyln as she exchanged handshakes with the gracious LTS.
PART V: if man is five, and the devil is six, then god is seven, this monkey's gone to heaven.
East Coast Animals 3-0-0, +10, 6 points
Allen Club 3-0-0 +7, 6 points
Last Team Standing 2-1-0, +12, 4 points
Waltham United 2-1-0, +8, 4 points
Eat Drums!!! 1-2-0, -2, 2 points
Ball Busters 1-2-0, -11, 2 points
Alcoballics 0-3-0, - 10, 0 points
That's What She said 0-3-0, -13, 0 points
6:30pm - Ball Busters v. East Coast Animals
ref: Alcoballics
7:15pm - Last Team Standing v. Allen Club
ref: East Coast Animals
6:30pm - Eat Drums!!! v. Waltham United
ref: Last Team Standing
7:15 - That's What She Said v. Alcoballics
ref: Waltham United
PART VI:Our love is rice and beans and horse's lard/Your bones got a little machine/You're the bone machine
RAIN: Intermittent rain is scheduled for today. Please keep an eye on your email for any announcement regarding play. Though, every cloud has a silver living. If our games do get postponed due to inclement weather, that just leaves more time at....
BAR: THE BOCA BAR. Our league partner for another season,
please visit them after each and every game, or during any postponed games, for some of the best Costa Rican food this side of Giselle's compound. Great food, fantastic drinks and tropical atmosphere make this one of Waltham's premiere drinking establishments.
PHOTOS: As always, photos of league and bar action and welcome and encouraged. I was remiss in previous weeks for not thanking Jocelyn C, Tom C, and Ryan C (Three Cs. Nice) for their bar photos. Thank you! If you have any photos, you can email them to me here.
TWO FROM LEAGUE REP BRIAN: Kickballers please be aware of two events that may be of interest. Next Tuesday and Thursday, Molson Canadian is hosting NESN pre-game viewing parties, with your chance to be on a Molson Canadian commercial to be broadcast during NESN's Red Sox telecast that night!
Tuesday, June 9th, Lir on Boylston St., 6pm-8pm
Thursday, June 11th , Joshua Tree in Allston, 6pm-8pm
Thursday, June 11th , Joshua Tree in Allston, 6pm-8pm
Also, check out the Mud Hog Trail Race to benefit Breathe NH. Visit their website for details:
PART VI: "are you looking for the mother lode?"/ huh?/ no. no my child, this is not my desire/ and then she said / i'm digging for fire
For any of you that remember your basic algebra, (or pretend to remember it to win friends
and influence others) there is the equation of distance equals rate times time. Well for our season, time is running out, and the distance to our finish line is nearing. Two teams are undefeated, displaying a highly rated display of kickball skill. Two teams are winless, displaying a high rate of sportsmanship, spirit, but a low rate of run scoring. Yet for all teams involved there is still time to make a righteous stand to go the distance for kickballian glory. This week's slate of games should be a helluva time.
Good luck this week to everyone, and as Bono said to Frank Black, "keep digging for fire."
- David, Team That's What She Said