"We've got balls, but we're not ballerinas"
OPENING WEEK: "I've got this energy beneath my feet, Like something underground's gonna come up and carry me"
Table of Contents:
I - Opening Tirade
II - Band of the Week
III - 6:30 PM Games Recap
IV - 7:15 PM Games Recap
V - Standings and Schedule
VI - Announcements
VII - Sum-up Cum Laude
Part I - "Looking back at sunsets on the Eastside We lost track of the time"
Leaves turn brown, descend and rest gently upon the autumn fields. Winter follows with her cold enveloping embrace. Spring returns, green anew, the earth reborn. And then rising from the ground,(cue Strauss' Also Sprach Zarathustra) a giant bouncy inflated red phoenix, rising high to take it's rightful place in the summer sky ... The Kickball!

Yes, my fellow Kickabridgians, our season has begun in earnest. Neither fall, nor snow, rain, recession, Ponzi schemes, octo moms, or Hugh Jackman can keep this ball from bouncing again on the hallowed Lowell Fields.
So what will this season bring? Last year's champion ADPI has been scattered to the four corners of the diamond, leaving the field wide open for a new victor. Will last year's juggernaut "Animal is My Homeboy" refashioned and renamed as Eat Drums!!! be able to exert similar dominance? Will a retooled and reinforced Ball Busters be able to build upon last season's growth, and more importantly add more drink recipes to their in game rehydration program? Will Big Red Balls, I mean That's What She Said, build upon last year's successes and challenge for the league title?
Or perhaps it will be one of the league's expansion franchises. Could the name usurping

East Coast Animals be the last team standing come August? Well, techincally yes they could be, and no they couldn't because there's already a team named Last Team Standing. Perhaps Last Team Standing will be a fitting aptonym, or a cruel, cruel joke.
And then of course there are the soccer (excuse me, football for those countries not cool enough to be the US) inspired teams of Waltham United and Allen Club.
The field is wide open, so to quote famed administer of pugilistic jurisprudence, Mills Lane and Marvin Gaye, "Let's Get it On."
Part II - "Higher and higher, We're gonna take it, Down to the wire, We're gonna make it, Out of the fire, Higher and higher."
For you new comers, welcome to Ghost Man on Third. This is the weekly newsletter that is your source for league news, recaps, stories, and announcements. Please keep an eye tuned here, and on our blog,, for all the news you need.
To keep it light and fluffy, each edition includes a band of the week. Why? Because I say so.

This week's band is The Killers, mainly because I just bought tickets for their September show at the TD Banknorth Garden, and they are on my mind. Known for the ubiquitous single 'Mr. Brightside' this post-punk glamish new wavy quartet from Las Vegas provides ambitious pop, killer riffs and hooks, and a certain sense of style lacking in this decade's musical output. Whether you love them or hate them, they are catchy as hell. Just like kickball.
Part III - "It's just a shimmy and a shake, uh huh I can't fake, we're on top We're on top"
Diamond: Last Team Standing 6 v. Ball Busters 2
In the leagues first matchup of the season, a veteran team in Ball Busters took on
new team Last Team Standing. Disgruntled by their sobriety and possibly unfortuante team name, newcomers Last Team Standing showed no sign of new league jitters and took it to the veteran Busters. Pitcher Ben K, got off to a tremendous start, styming the Ball Busters offense,
and homering to help built a 3-0 lead. Ball Busters Mike C. put his team on the board at 3-1 in the third, but nifty defense, like an unassisted double play by Nick P and Torii-Hunter-esque defense by centerfielder Sara S. kept the Ball Busters at bay.

LTS's Ben K blew the game open in the top of the 5th, with his second home run, a three-run shot, and then quelled a late Ball Buster rally to cinch the win, despite the lone run scored by Ball Busters Tara D.
Said LTS captain Jason K, "We headed to the Boca Bar, happy." In defeat Ball Buster captain Shoeless Tom C, goes, "We'll at least we don't have to face the pressure of going undefeated."
Jason Kivela and Tom Caddigan contributed to this report
Grass: Allen Club 1 vs That's What She Said 0
In a thrilling pitchers duel, Allen Club narrowly eeked a victory over the fiesty TWSS

on the grass. The lone run of the game came in the second inning when AC's Fred, Jill and Courtney loaded the bases, and Timmy S. punched one through the TWSS defense to plate the only run. TWSS's charges lead by veterans Joceyln and Holly, responded with equally stifling defense, lead by Dan, Tony and Bob, . TWSS rallied in the top of the 5th, by loading the bases with one out, but unlike AC they were unable to get that last run home, thwarted by 3rd basewoman Christmas, the pitching of Timmy S. and the catching of Flava Flav.
"We'll get them, next time, cause That's What She Said" quipped TWSS Jocelyn. Allen Club captain Joshua, thrilled by his teams defense named "Fred and Christmas the (Non WAKA partnered or sponsored) Papa Ginos Players of the game. Great Players deserve Great Pizza" said Joshua, in what could only be labelled as a shameless corporate plug.
Jocelyn Coffey and Joshua Allen contributed to this report
Part IV: "Give me rolling hills and tonight can be the night that I stand among the thousand thrills
Mister cut me some slack, 'cause I don't wanna go back, I want a new day and age"
Diamond: Waltham United 6 vs- Alcoballics 2
History has witnessed smaller forces beat larger forces many times on the field.

Agincourt comes to mind. While, not quite in the 100 Years War level, the Waltham United defeat of Alcoballics is a similar story. Trotting out a modest 12 person team, WU got the jump early on a larger black-cad Alcoballic team. A rochambeau victory gave WU home field for this game, and after holding the Ballics scoreless, jumped on them at their first at bat. Leadoff hits from Christie and Lauren, followed by an RBI from Jason and his famous golden foot. WU tallied two more runs in the second thanks to a solo blast by Andrew (aka Mr. 200) and solid hits from Nate, Matt, and Kristina.

While WU's big D continued to drop the goose eggs on Black, Slime Green added two more insurance runs in the fourth, including Christie's bases loaded comebacker which the Bollic's pitcher grabbed and tried to outrun her to first, only to watch her turn on the jets and beat him for an RBI single and WU’s final run.
The Alcoballics managed a late comeback, scoring two, but WU put the clampdown and held onto the win. This prompted Alcoballics to head for the closest Alcoballics Anonymous meeting, where they have remained since, working on a twelve step program to victory.
Said WU captain Nick F, "UNDEFEATED!"
Nick Floyd contributed to this report.
Grass: East Coast Animals 2 vs. EAT DRUMS!!! 0
Last Year, the Big Red Machine of Animal is My Homeboy steamrolled the league, before a heartbreaking last inning loss in the Championship game to ADPI. This year, Animal is My Homeboy has reformed ast EAT DRUMS!!! after the rise of a new Animal,

the East Coast Animals.
"Of all the gin joints in all the world."
East Coast Animals opened the game by pushing a run across in the top of the first. An RBI by "Big Foot Bradshaw" scored Trish for the one-zip lead. The "Original Animals" were able to load the bases, but the Animals did not break. Lead defensively by Adam, Jess, and Worm, the East Coast Animals held their ground, despite missing key

componet Michael P, who felt that schmoozing with sports elites and brewers were more important.
EAT DRUMS!!! was equally ready defensively. Strong pitching by Josh B, Andrew M, Paul L, Nikki T, and Jen K, kept the Animals at bay. Jen E. and Lauren B. were also strong defensive wizards, but Andrew M. was the Animals defensive grand wizard (uh next time I'll use a better metaphor), getting the game ball. The defensive prowess of EAT DRUMS!!! unfortunately was not matched by the EAT DRUMS!!! offense. Despite loading the bases twice, they were unable to plate any runs, and thus the new Animals were able to walk off with a victory.
ECA Captain Ryan C, perhaps inebriated, or buoyed by their victory, has also claimed that

ECA are the league's best drinkers, closing the bar and outlasting a valient effort by the "Green Team". A brash gauntlet has been thrown, Commonwealth League. Do you hear the call?
Ryan Cummings and Josh Bob contributed to this report
Part V - "I wanna stand up, I wanna let go You know, you know - no you don't, you don't, I wanna shine on in the hearts of men"
Standings (W/L/T, Run Differential, Points)
Waltham United 1-0-0, +4 =2pts
Last Team Standing 1-0-0, +4 =2pts
East Coast Animals 1-0-0, +2 =2pts
Allen Club 1-0-0, +1 =2pts
That's What She Said 0-1-0 -1 =0pts
Eat Drums!!! 0-1-0 -2 =0pts
Alcoballics 0-1-0 -4 =0pts
Ball Busters 0-1-0 -4 =0pts
6:30pm - Last Team Standing v.East Coast Animals
ref: Eat Drums!!!
7:15pm - That's What She Said v. Eat Drums!!!
ref: Alcoballics
6:30pm - Ball Busters v. Alcoballics
ref: Allen Club
7:15 - Waltham United v. Allen Club
ref: Last Team Standing
PART VI - And I'm on my knees looking for the answer. Are we human or are we dancer?

LEAGUE POSITIONS: Are you interested in making this season the best experience possible? A number of league positions are available. These are essential in making the league run smoothly, picking our yearly charity, and planning our big season parties. Please contact League Rep Brian Sweetser for more information.
BOCA BAR: Remember, this league would not be possible (or as much fun) with out our good friends at the Boca Bar. Fantastic Food, Great Drinks, an exotic atmosphere. What more can you ask for from a partner?
PHO-PHO-PHO-TOGRAPHS: My drivel in this newsletter is only

made interesting by photographs. Please feel free to take many pictures of game action, bar action, or other kickball related action, and send them to me at this address.
BLOG: The League Blog can be found here. It's your #1 resources for information about our little league. Comment sections are active, and good natured trash talk is definitely encouraged.
ALCOBALLICS: With your fearless leader, Brian deep in the heart of Europe, I will need a volunteer to provide next week's game recap. Without recaps, this newsletter is just me blathering on, and if you ask any of my friends, that's not a pleasant experience. I give you my gratitude in advance.
Part VII - Destiny is calling me. Open up my eager eyes. ‘Cause I’m Mr Brightside
And so it goes. The time is now to take that giant red bouncy ball with both hands, and squeeze it for all it's worth. Good luck to this year's teams, and may good fortune and good bouncing follow you this summer. It should be a killer season.
- David, Team That's What She Said